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This emotion is basic. Despite the fact that anger is assessed by many as a negative and undesirable reaction, it has a very important adaptive function. Moderate anger mobilizes energy, imparts strength, courage and self-confidence. It allows you to defend your boundaries and overcome various difficulties along the way. Experiences and manifestations “Blood boiling” is perhaps a good description of the state of a person in anger. The feeling of one’s own increased strength makes one rush forward, attack the offender, break through walls, etc. The greater the anger, the greater the need for physical action. Sometimes, there is so much energy that has appeared that a person feels that he is about to explode if he does not allow it to come out. Anger is expressed facially through contractions of the frontal muscles. The eyebrows are lowered and drawn together, the skin of the forehead is tightened (which can form a slight thickening over it). The jaws are clenched, the lips compress and the corners lose their characteristic roundness. As people grow older, they learn to control their facial expressions, so the entire above complex comes into full force only in spontaneous experiences and can vary. It is also important to remember that wrinkles on the bridge of the nose do not always mean that a person is experiencing anger. Many people are in a state of concentration and interest. The interesting thing is that anger allows love to be restored. This may sound strange, however, honest expression of your anger (looking into the eyes and without judging or attacking the other person) will break down the resentment and help strengthen the relationship. Although the emotion of anger can be one of the components of aggressive motivation, do not confuse anger and aggressive behavior (the second may rather indicate a feeling of guilt). Unlike aggression, expressed and conscious anger is a short-lived emotion. Conventionally, different stages of anger can be divided depending on the intensity: Annoyance, Irritation, Anger, Rage, Anger is often activated along with the emotions of disgust and contempt. In psychology, some researchers call this “grouping” the “triad of hostility.” Causes of anger A person can experience anger in various situations. The object of this feeling can be the person himself, other people or the situation as a whole. The activators are: Restriction of freedom. When I am limited in any way (emotionally or physically), I feel angry. A small child is already able to experience this feeling, for example, if the freedom of movement of his hands is limited. Older children and adolescents also react to various prohibitions. An obstacle to achieving a goal. For example, if you interrupt a person who is immersed in some activity, you risk incurring anger. Aversive stimulation. This is an event that in itself causes discomfort. For example, if you pour hot or ice water on a person, force him to encounter something that causes disgust, etc. A negative effect can itself become an activator of anger. Pain is the main activator of anger. Prolonged experience of sadness also causes anger. “What to do about it?” As I already said, the difficulty of experiencing and expressing anger is due to the fact that this process is perceived by many people in a generally negative way. Indeed, sometimes I cannot allow myself to express anger. For example, tell my boss everything I think about him. This may not be safe for my life. However, expressing anger is very important. And it’s even more important to find the right form for this. And remember, it is more “resourceful” to express anger by looking into the eyes. When experiencing a haunting experience of anger, allow yourself to do this experiment, and you will get a new experience that may surprise you. If you find it difficult to express anger while looking a person in the eyes, it is likely that you confuse this feeling with another feeling (usually guilt). So, you can express anger with the following phrases: “It hurts me!” This is a way of building your boundaries. So I tell the person, “Well, you can’t do this with me. I'll go next.).
