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Sometimes a woman decides (no matter what the reasons) that she can do everything better than a man. And in general, all this womanish wisdom is not for her. And earn money, and glue wallpaper in the apartment, and spin and spin in life, and take the initiative, and make decisions... Such a woman lives and lives, but nature demands its own, and sooner or later she begins to look for a life partner ... Not just any kind, but to be a “real man” - to carry her in his arms, to earn money, to love and respect her, a beauty, and to take care of her without fail. Have you seen this at least once? A wonderful desire! Who doesn't want a guy like that? But in practice, things turn out differently. Such a woman meets a completely different man... Infantile, flimsy, weak, earns little money, has an unstable job, doesn’t know about flowers, has never heard of coffee in bed, compliments are not his element... But he knows how to lie on the sofa well, all the programs are on TV knows which one is coming at what time, is touchy and often complains about life. Then the crisis confused all the cards for him - if it weren’t for him, the man would have been a big boss or businessman a long time ago; then the horoscope is to blame - after all, Capricorns are always unlucky, and he was born just in December, exactly in Capricorns. Usually a woman gets very angry at such a man: she yells, swears, calls him a lazy man and a mama's boy. Well, to be honest, it hits the mark. The guy doesn’t give up his positions either - he either stays stable at the bottom, or, even worse, he starts to go completely to the bottom, becomes an alcoholic or gets lazy. By the way, both of them suffer greatly: the man - from hassle, misunderstanding and his own decline, and the woman - from an unbearable burden taken on voluntarily. Have you met such families? “Devastation, fatigue, anger at the husband, irritation, reluctance to do his man’s work, lack of energy...” - these are the typical feelings that a woman names in this situation. “Or maybe it’s worth trying to shift at least part of the responsibility onto your husband, for starters?... And you won’t suffer, and he will feel like he’s in charge...” I once said to one of my clients, a thirty-year-old woman who came with a typical complaint to a “lazy” common-law husband. To which I meet a lot of indignation, yes, they say, who then will take upon himself all the worries about the well-being of the family, if not me! I listen and literally feel her inner message with my skin: leave me alone, I want to be a man! Be it, you have every right to do so - it is your voluntary choice. Five minutes of physiology Let us recall in our minds pictures from anatomy lessons - from the section “male genital organs”. If you don’t remember anything, then the picture in the nearest elevator will also do - that very popular illustration for a three-letter swear word. What's on it? Something striving upward (even if downward, we still understand that what is drawn is striving upward), noticeable, proud, in motion, giving. This is the nature of a man - to strive, to be in motion, to grow, develop and give. In this regard, female genital organs are depicted by street “artists” extremely rarely, because most of them are hidden and located inside the female abdomen. The actual functions of a woman are not known to everyone. So, mother. She receives, absorbs, preserves, protects, grows and gives birth. Well, actually, women’s tasks are similar - most of her activities are concentrated within the family, inside the home. Even at work, ideally, if you think about it, things often turn out to be not external, but based more on internal connections and relationships. Well, God be with them, with thoughts... Such is the nature of a man - to strive, to be in motion, to grow, develop and give. This physiological duality is characteristic of most living organisms. Now let's imagine what happens when any living creature begins to do something contrary to its nature? What will be the result? Most likely, it is destructive or absurd to the point of absurdity. By the way, the intelligence that a person possesses is characteristic...
