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From the author: We all know what stress is and have even experienced it in our own skin many times. And someone is in it right now. Therefore, I won’t waste time and will go straight to the main thing: how to quickly get out of stress. So, you are in psychological stress if: you are in anxious and restless thoughts, you have no appetite or, conversely, your appetite becomes insatiable, you experience constant or periodic internal tension in your body, you are in a narrowed state of consciousness, you have a long and difficult recovery from emotional upheavals, your thoughts become obsessive, you are in an unbalanced state of consciousness. If at least one of these points corresponds to your internal state, then you are experiencing psychological stress. Therefore, right now you have the opportunity to free yourself from stress and experience inner harmony. Therefore, please turn off all devices that may disturb you, move the cat, dog, parrot, etc. away from you. Let no one bother you to be with yourself for 10-15 minutes. Ready? Then sit back, close your eyes and just relax. Pay attention to what is happening right now. Notice that you are sitting on a chair, that you are breathing, that everything happens on its own without your active participation. Look calmly at how it all happens. Then, with your eyes closed, imagine endless silence, emptiness and calm in front of you. Stay in this state for 3-5 minutes. Don't think about anything, just watch the emptiness. Try to remember a situation that caused you stress. Remember it with all the details and pictures, no matter how painful it is for you. Do this consciously. After that, remove the picture from view and pay attention to your inner sensation in your body. Observe these sensations without resistance. Note that these sensations in themselves are not bad. It is simply an internal energy that has arisen from your memories. Watch this energy. See that it consists of the same energy as all the emptiness around you. They are a small part of you. Then, return to the memory picture. Place this picture against the backdrop of all the endless emptiness and calm, as if you were looking at a photograph with your arm outstretched. Notice that the memory picture is made up of the same energy as all the silence, calm and emptiness. See what will happen to her. This may be a reminder of what would happen if the drop touched the ocean. She will become one with him. The same thing will happen with your thoughts and experiences. There aren't two here. This is one whole: you and your experiences. The only problem is that you do not accept part of yourself and try to fight what is inside you. The secret here is quite simple. This is your observation. There is nothing more to do. Just consciously observe your thoughts, emotions, sensations without resistance or identification. As if you were space and observed the stars, galaxies and planets. All your thoughts and experiences come and go, but you always remain. You are a witness to everything that happens in your life, because everything that happens to you happens only for YOU!!! Repeat this simple exercise whenever you feel tense and stressed. Thus, you can quickly get out of it. Listen to this “anti-stress meditation” audio right now and just let go of your thoughts. http://vkontakte.ru/video395268_160998337 http://www.evgeny-yakushev.ru
