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The word “FEAR” comes from the Proto-Slavic form *straxъ. The original meaning of the word was “numbness.” Numbness in the face of something new and unexpected, not knowing how to react or what to do, a feeling of confusion. Fear is like a guard on the border between safe and familiar territory and what is still unknown. By its appearance, it only calls on you to direct pure attention and perception to learning something new. If you can look at fear from this angle, you will be able to see the potential for joy in fear, because fear foreshadows and illuminates for you something new, unexplored for your development. FEAR illuminates (fills with light) JOY (the state of maximum light of love in you) possible DEVELOPMENT (filling a new round of life with light) Let fear be light. If a situation occurs in your life that creates a feeling of fear within you, try to simply observe it and note it in yourself. Embracing the light of fear will allow you to open up to new possibilities! Fear is also a manifestation of the energy of Love. You yourself fill fear with darkness, coloring it as a negative emotion. You create tension within yourself that makes it impossible for you to accept fear as a friend. By rejecting, straining, fear, you turn it into your enemy. You begin to be afraid of your fear, declare a fight against it, and your energy, which you could spend on development, you direct to a meaningless struggle in which there is no reasonable outcome. And if there are a lot of fears, and all of them are enemies for you, then your life becomes a battlefield for survival. It’s paradoxical, but all this is just a game of your mind, which is accustomed to perceiving the world dually. A game of the mind, burdened by a collective myth about how to deal with fears. Fear is part of the creation of the Universe, even if you consider yourself highly developed, then admit the idea that there is always an unknown territory to explore. Fear is the natural beginning of learning new things. If you do not accept the reality of fear, you deprive yourself of the opportunity for self-development, choose the path of illusory struggle, which, in essence, is degradation. Welcome fear within yourself, even when it seems irrational to you and you don’t know what caused it. If there is fear inside you, then allow yourself the thought that soon you will have great potential for experiencing love, joy, beauty, just realize the beginning of a new path, which fear is signaling to you. At the same time, you shouldn’t “hang” in a state of fear, trying to procrastinate and analyze it for a long time - this is a defense of the mind, it doesn’t want to learn new things, it’s easier for it to keep you in fear. If, after all, you’re stuck in fear and tense, then you should let it out from itself this tension. Usually in the outside world, fear manifests itself as aggression, anger, anger. In the body, fear manifests itself as muscle tension and emotional spasm. What can be done? Yes, any exercise to relieve physical and emotional stress. Sometimes even just taking a hot shower or bath helps. How to remove an emotional spasm. If you have accumulated a large number of fears, you can do a simple exercise. Write down all your fears in a column. Be aware of the development zone that is behind this fear. Make an action plan for exploring a new territory. Ask yourself the question “What can I do honestly, cleanly and beautifully in order to get a high-quality result of knowledge that causes joy in me. What can I do right here and now?
