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From the author: I collected another “portion” of comments received on my articles on “money” topics and my answers to them. It was thanks to your comments to my articles that the column “Dialogues about money” arose (read the first part HERE) Everything in these lines is very succinct, brief, vital... 1) In communicating with investors (who are investors, not speculators) we identified one common good desire - hedonism (i.e. enjoyment of life). An investor does not need to run (the money runs for him). Business is a game with its own rules - you need to be constantly on the move so as not to miss the trend. This is the clearly visible difference between investors and the rest of the quadrants (according to Robert Kiyosaki)2) What is Is there an error in the reasoning about the importance of receiving a stable salary? A bet is placed on 1 instrument (asset) - in this case it is salary (or dollars, real estate, your business, etc.). It’s like in a casino - I bet everything on black (on red). The chances of losing are much greater than winning. By the way, casino organizers take advantage of this - they always win (no matter how much their numerous clients earn or lose).3) The amount of income is directly proportional to the number of skills.4) POVERTY DOESN’T MAKE PLANS5) The harsh truth of life. I stopped believing those who regularly start a new life on Monday. They have this hobby - collecting Mondays. Should they take Mondays and cancel them? It seems that they are not slackers and could live6) Alexander, yes indeed. Have you read comments on YouTube like “just water”, “and you yourself made a million”? etc.. And I thought that such critics, who do not want to turn on their brains, would not accumulate a million dollars in a million years.7) I sadly think that managing your finances is an art that is not accessible to everyone without special skills. education. It’s good that there are people who are successful in this and share their experience. Irina8) I read and understood the full depth of my financial illiteracy (((Very useful material, thank you very much! Polina9) Thank you! Informative and useful article! Unfortunately, quite simple recommendations cause resistance among many. Irina10) We interviewed the third (out of 100 ) dollar millionaire. According to our investment affairs, HIS RECOMMENDATION is not to give your money to a trust fund, do not listen to the advice of so-called “financial consultants” on investing money. Be careful! per 100 promises of independent financial advisors11) Global specialization of countries: Brazil is the breadbasket of the world. Russia is a global supplier of natural resources. China is a global manufacturer. America is a global research laboratory Section “Wisdom”: 12) Those who, during times of prosperity, think that they have gotten rid of adversity forever are mistaken 13) I firmly believe in luck. And I noticed: the more I work, the luckier I am. Thomas JeffersonSection “Both jokingly and seriously”: 14) An astrologer asks a homeopath: - Tell me, do herbs really help? - Of course they help! Look what kind of car I bought for myself15) Sad humor about the futility of trying to make money on financial markets: A trader is a person who regularly steps on a rake. A teapot is a novice trader who is sure that a rake does not exist. A sucker is a trader who regularly steps on a rake, but - still confident that the rake does not exist. The Internet is a technology that allows you to step on a rake located on the other side of the Earth. Brokers are guides to the world of rake, providing a constant opportunity to step on a rake for a reasonable fee. Analysts are mythical creatures, accomplices of brokers, evil spirits are the patrons of rakes. They specifically look for and recommend rakes with the most painful blows. Customer support is a department of the broker that gives advice on what to do after you step on a rake. Usually her first advice is to step on other rakes and compare the sensations. A crisis is a situation when you get hit by a rake without even stepping on them. Yes, the stock exchange is a long-range weapon... Not even
