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So, you successfully passed a stressful interview and got the position of your dreams. A new life will begin tomorrow, and the first day will be the most important, since you will get the first impression of your colleagues and form an opinion about yourself in their eyes, which is then unlikely to change. In this article we will look at some rules, following which you will behave in such a way that your first day at a new workplace will be successful and effective. At the start of a new day, your boss or another employee will need to show you around the building and introduce you to your colleagues. Try to remember their names from the very first minutes and immediately start using them in your address. Notice how colleagues communicate with each other - some prefer to be called by their first and patronymic names, while for others just their first name is enough. Ask each colleague how he would like to be addressed. Do not speak familiarly to anyone, even if your colleague happens to be a school friend. If you get any leadership position, be proactive. Walk around the office, chat with employees, introducing yourself to them. If someone you don't know comes into the office, say hello and introduce yourself to them. All this will leave only a favorable impression of you. To get closer to colleagues, find something that unites you - for example, the same habits, mutual acquaintances, drinking tea together. And the last piece of advice: at the end of the workday, stay for 15 minutes and look at how your colleagues behave as they get ready to go home. This will help you understand what kind of person this or that employee is.
