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How popular it is now to be yourself: this call can be heard on social networks, books and congratulations from loved ones. You really want to be yourself, but more often than not such a desire raises more questions than answers. Let's figure out what it is to be yourself, and what you need for this. It should be noted right away that being yourself is about the path, and not about a quick solution. This is about integrity, which is always worth striving for. Then it immediately becomes clear that it is impossible to become yourself in one day, week or month. But if you devote time to this, you can notice how you gradually become more comfortable interacting with yourself and with society. How is it that I was born as myself, but became someone else? In Jungian analytics there is the concept of Persona. This is the part of the personality that is responsible for contacts with other people throughout life. A persona is an image of oneself that a person believes in and wants others to believe in. It can also be called a kind of adaptation system, a layer between a person and the world. The way it is formed is influenced by family and loved ones, society, books, films and everything where you can find the image of an ideal person. Even in childhood, we learn to behave in a certain way under the influence of our parents. For example, do not express your negative emotions more often in the middle of the street or do not stay at home when you are unwell. While we grow, society reinforces the learned programs and additionally imposes its own from above. If you do not comply with these norms and rules, you will face condemnation and loneliness, and this is something you want to avoid in every possible way. In trying to please our parents and society, we lose ourselves: we forget our values, goals, desires and needs. But everything that was condemned by family and society does not disappear without a trace. It goes into the Shadow. And these are not necessarily bad qualities and actions - they can also be talents and skills. The shadow is an unconscious structure and is not conscious at all. It is repressed and projected onto others. For example, when another person is angered by arrogance, overprotectiveness or any other quality. Integrating the Shadow is an important and at the same time painful stage in a person’s life. The more aspects are integrated into consciousness, the easier it is to move in and out of these topics at a level of healthy interaction. The shadow is a human resource; many important and necessary things are hidden in it. What exactly allows a person to be himself. And what should I do with this? In this matter, it is more appropriate than ever to talk about the value of therapy. It is in a safe environment that you can work through your Shadow, express your emotions in an environmentally friendly way and determine how to behave in the future. Integration of the Shadow gives knowledge about ourselves, expands our capabilities and reactions in relationships with others. Accepting shadow qualities does not mean indulging them. If we accept that they are part of us, we gain the ability to control them. When the Shadow is brought out, a person stops idealizing himself and accepts his imperfection. The Shadow becomes an enemy only when it is ignored and misunderstood. But giving up illusions helps you gain strength and courage to be yourself.
