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Main astrological events of June. First of all, the month began on the 7th lunar day, the symbol of which is the “Fire Rooster”. This means that the atmosphere of the month is conducive to self-presentation, establishing contacts, and advertising activities , teaching, as well as verbal magic. Mars entered Cancer on June 3rd. Our mental life is activated. Mars does not stand on ceremony with our complexes, negative attitudes, fears, fantasies, and illusions. He brings all this “wealth” to the surface, shows their viability, justification, and level of elaboration. Of course, all this happens through events in our lives, and manifests itself through our reactions to them. This is why Mars in Cancer increases the level of irritability, resentment, denial, and rejection. It provokes conflicts in the family, with parents, breakdowns in the house, and plumbing is especially susceptible to damage. In terms of health, the gastrointestinal tract, psyche and female reproductive system suffer first of all. For pregnant women, the danger of premature birth and miscarriage increases, for nursing mothers - mastopathy. For the brave and purposeful, this is a good period for recognizing and eliminating negative programs and clearing space for further improvements in life. All these processes will be especially acute for those in whose natal chart there are planets and important points in the signs: Cancer, Capricorn, Libra and Aries. Venus enters Taurus on June 6th. She's at home here. She begins to arrange, harmonize the space around her, aesthetically design and create comfort and convenience wherever she casts her gaze. The beauty of interiors, clothing, hairstyles, as well as the human body will especially interest us and push us to act in this direction. But there is a danger of becoming overly carried away by earthly pleasures and significantly increasing the volume of your body. Mercury also returns to its home on June 7 - it enters the sign of Gemini. Our curiosity and sociability are increasing, the number of new connections and acquaintances is growing. We are also drawn to acquire new gadgets, phones, computers, and means of transport. We are more active in our movements, trips and perceive any changes more easily. Jupiter becomes direct on June 9th. Social life and social as well as religious movements become more active. You can begin to implement large-scale projects involving a large number of people. The square of the Sun and Neptune (June 4), Mercury and Neptune (June 14) reduces the concentration of attention and the adequacy of perception of current events, increases the tendency to illusions, deception and self-deception. The risk of fraud, as well as accidents on the roads and at home, increases due to inattention and misconceptions. The opposition of the Sun and Saturn (June 15), Mercury and Saturn (June 18) increases “hard-headedness,” stubbornness, the level of conflict, and contributes to the breakdown of their equipment, communications and transport. And the number of accidents on the roads and at home occurs due to an increase in emergency situations. The square of Mars and Jupiter on June 25 provokes violation of boundaries - both banal neglect of a person’s personal space (be it things, personal correspondence, finances), disrespect, and on a more global scale - causing harm to life and health, armed conflicts, robberies, robbery attacks, clashes with authorities, etc. The square of Mercury and Jupiter on June 27 and the opposition of Mercury and Pluto on June 30 increases the level of talkativeness and verbal aggression, accidents on roads involving large cars or a large number of cars. On June 21, the Sun and Mercury enter the sign Cancer. Family values, home comfort, home improvement, raising children, psychological comfort, nepotism in any group become of paramount importance for us. On June 16, Neptune turns backward. Internal mental processes become more vulnerable. Mental illnesses and addictions are worsening, the craving for alcohol is increasing,.
