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From the author: In a week the Winter Solstice. It's time to take stock of the past year and make plans for the next year. In ancient times, man lived among nature and was part of it. And everything in nature was alive for humans, endowed with a Soul. The Sun was especially revered. For people in those days it was not just alive, the sun was deified. After all, the sun provides energy on which the life of all living things on earth depended. The annual cycle of nature, depending on the movement of the sun, was perceived as the circle of God's life. One season follows another. The old dies, the new is born, blossoms, bears fruit and dies. Watching the movement of the stars and the change of seasons, the ancestors understood: everything in the world moves in a circle. And this circular cycle is built on special astronomical dates. They were called Days of Power. These are the days of the winter (December 22) and summer (June 22) solstice, as well as the spring (March 21) and autumn (September 23) equinox. Initially, the essence of the Days of Power was determined by seasonal agricultural work. On the Days of Power, the position of the Sun leads to a surge of certain energies on the earth. Each period has its own energy: • on the days of the winter solstice, solar activity is minimal. External passivity, internal activity. This is the time to sum up the results of the past year and plan for the next year; • on the days of the spring equinox, if necessary, we adjust our plans. This is a time of balance and harmony, the balance of internal and external action; • on the days of the summer solstice, the peak of solar activity. This is the time of maximum effort to implement one’s plans, the highest peak of external activity; • on the days of the autumn equinox, summing up the first results, harvesting. This is again a time of balance and harmony, a balance of internal and external action. The main holidays in Europe and Rus' were held precisely on the Days of Power: Winter Solstice - Kolyada (Slavic), Yule (European); Spring Equinox - Great Day (Slavic), Ostara (European); Summer Solstice - Kupala (Slavic), Lita (European) );Autumn equinox - Veresen (Slavic), Mabon (European). It is believed that attunement to natural rhythms has a beneficial effect on the physiological functioning of the body. It also helps to consciously carry out energy filling with natural force to realize your plans. Attunement with the energy of these days will allow you, even if not fully, to feel like a part of nature and discover the Power within yourself. Correspondence between solar cycles and tarot card suits
