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In today's busy world, it's all too easy for couples to neglect their relationship and prioritize work and hanging out with friends over spending quality time with their partner. This can be a serious problem because it can lead to a weakening of the emotional connection between partners, as one partner is constantly focused on his work or other activities, while the other partner feels neglected and unimportant, receiving only "leftovers." For lunch with work colleagues, we do our hair, makeup, or just put on our best clothes, give our all to show our best qualities, take an interest, ask questions, listen, and at home we allow ourselves to be irritable grumps in a stretched T-shirt, giving to our partner just remnants of some kind of energy. This also relates to the tendency of couples to take their relationship for granted after a certain period of time. When couples first start spending time together, they often put a lot of effort and energy into building a strong bond and making each other happy. It’s as if you were trying to earn something, you earned it, and now you can relax and not make any effort. The key to preventing this problem is for couples to actively work on their relationship rather than taking it for granted. This means that both partners must recognize the importance of investing time and energy in their partnership and make a conscious effort to make each other a priority. This may include things like setting aside regular "date nights" to spend time together, trying to communicate openly and honestly, and actively working to resolve conflicts and build a deeper connection. It's important to note that this is not a one-sided issue, and both partners play a role in maintaining a healthy relationship. Partners should have open and honest conversations about their needs and desires and make a conscious effort to meet each other halfway. It is also important to remember that relationships are a dynamic process that require constant work and attention, and that it is normal for the level of effort to fluctuate over time. It is also important to remember that emotional and sexual intimacy are interconnected and that neglecting one aspect of a relationship can have a ripple effect on another.
