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Deciding to work with a psychologist, in my opinion, is a very courageous and responsible step. The internal work that a person does together with a specialist is not so simple; it contains a lot of unexpected, sometimes frightening, often painful. That’s why it’s so important to find “your” psychologist, that specialist with whom you feel calm and safe. It happens that this is not successful the first time, and then there may be a temptation to refer to the fact that psychology does not help or to accuse the psychologist of incompetence. “I went, but they didn’t tell me anything new, I already knew that,” “I went, but it didn’t help” - this can usually be heard in such cases. But don’t rush to give in to this impulse! If you decide to start working on yourself, then keep looking! As they say in one parable, “What is good for shoemakers is bad for tailors.” Everyone can find a specialist who is right for them. Here are some recommendations on what you should pay attention to when choosing a specialist: 1. The level of education of the psychologist. Here we are not talking about which university the specialist received his basic psychological education at. It is important where and how long he studied after graduating from university. To become a good psychologist, one university is not enough. It is important to master a special method, a psychological tool for work (symboldrama, gestalt therapy, psychodrama, sand therapy, art therapy, etc. there are many methods). They don’t teach this in universities, they only show how it happens and what else needs to be learned. 2. Don’t go to your friends – psychologists – for help. People with whom we have close relationships will not be able to be objective, and it may be awkward for them to take payment from you, which means they will not be able to do quality work. In addition, you may be very skeptical about the “advice” of a friend – a psychologist. The best option is when the psychologist you work with is an outsider. 3. All good psychologists must have their own personal experience of working with a psychologist. A psychologist is obliged to work with his personal problems. Otherwise, it may happen that “fat nutritionists and pimply cosmetologists” help us. A person who has not been able, for example, to build a relationship with a partner will not be able to help you with this. To all this I will add that a psychologist, like no one else, constantly needs professional help because... This is the basis for professional growth and the prevention of professional burnout. 4. Use word of mouth and look for reviews in different sources. It’s good if someone who has already personally worked with a specific specialist can give recommendations. 5. Well, in my opinion, it’s good if the psychologist is simply pleasant to you as a person. Look at photos from professional websites or social networks. And at the first meeting, you will also take a closer look at how well the specialist suits you in terms of pace, level of empathy and other more subtle sensations. Working with a psychologist is usually a long journey, so don't expect results after the first meeting. This does not mean that the psychologist is simply stalling for time and wants to make money from you. Payment is obligatory and also has a therapeutic value. You just need to be prepared for new discoveries in yourself and approach them gradually. What has been formed in us for many years cannot be rebuilt in one meeting. Patience and time are important, and at some point you will feel that something has changed, but when exactly this change came may not be clear, and most likely, it will no longer be so important. Trust your feelings! I wish you happiness and inner harmony!
