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From the author: This algorithm helps to study your product and possible ways to promote it as much as possible. By answering the questions, you will definitely get new ideas.1.Market movement.• Who sells a similar product (service)?• What are the pros and cons of competitors?• Are new companies emerging in this market segment?2. Research your client (potential client).• Who are these people?• Gender, age, lifestyle?• How much income do they have?• What worries them? What problems do they have?• What are they afraid of?• What annoys them?• What product (service) are they focused on?• What will my product/service give them?• What method of payment for services is easiest for them (Internet, cash, payment through a bank , payment terminal)• If I were buying a similar product (service), what attracted/did not attract me to this product• Their possible motivation for the purchase.• The main criteria by which they make a choice (price?, quality?, employees?)• Consider the possibility of surveying customers (find out what exactly interests them in this market segment)3. Describe your product and how to promote it: • Which client is it aimed at? Who is it definitely not suitable for? What properties does it have? Compliance of the product (service) with the needs of clients? What can be changed? How to make changes? How these changes will affect the business as a whole? What other payment methods can I offer for the convenience of clients • What methods of promoting a product do I know (list all the methods, even if they are not suitable for you now) • What promotion methods do I use • What new promotion methods (from the list) can I use additionally • Which bonuses I offer/can offer to clients.• What discounts exist.• What restrictions can be used to stimulate clients (artificial creation of scarcity)• How can I conduct a customer survey4. Study competitors (questions from point 3)5. Client selection• Create an image of an ideal client• How can you stimulate those whom you want to see as clients• How to weed out those whom you do not want to see among clients (problematic, not promising) Write down any answers, both obvious and not. They, like fragments of a mosaic, will form one picture. Write everything down on paper so you can review the list and answers in different places. Record all the ideas that come to you in a notebook, even if they seem crazy to you. There is one more point that is aimed at identifying niches (target audiences) for developing your business and choosing a new direction for development. It is designed for direct interaction between the coach and the client, since this point raises the largest number of questions or stops when working independently. Thus, you again have an algorithm in your hands that is capable of building a queue of clients for your business!
