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The choice is ours. But we cannot understand where this hell and heaven are located. Various sources tell us that somewhere underground, and paradise is somewhere in the heavens. Perhaps so, but I want to offer my version, which I received through my sources of knowledge. Look at this picture and the first thing that came to your mind? Share in the comments. For now I will continue my thought. The eternal struggle between good and evil. Happiness and Horror, Joy and Anger, Love and Suffering, Kindness and Greed, Grace and Resentment, Pride and Pride - all these are the emotions of the soul. These feelings are Heaven and Hell, which are not always in harmony. But our task is not to go to extremes, but to learn to stabilize ourselves in time. Maybe I will surprise you, but even with an excess of positive emotions (happiness, joy, love), there is also a distortion (a “crown on the head” appears, inflated self-esteem, etc.) , accordingly will lead to a distortion of negative qualities. We may not immediately notice it, but the consequences are sad. Hence the black and white stripes in life. How to learn not to accumulate and be yourself. It's possible, but not easy. It’s not easy, because you need to learn to find cause-and-effect relationships and change your old attitudes to new ones. Over time, this will become a habit and life will flow differently. Agree, if we realize the consequences of our actions in time, our lives will qualitatively change in a joyful direction. All the knowledge in the world and your mistakes will confirm this to you. All people on earth, without exception, are working to come to this realization. This is the meaning of life - this is movement forward. Learn to balance your positive and negative personality traits. Goodness or hopelessness - it depends only on you. Why only from me? - you ask. After all, there are so many people and situations around that have an impact on us and not all of them are joyful. Yes, but no one canceled the choice. It all depends on your conscious understanding of people and situations. Let's say: there is a glass on the table half filled with water. And if you do a survey of people, how they see it, there will be two opinions: - the glass is half empty; - the glass is half full. Comedies seem funny to some, and stupid to others. Some people dress brightly and speak loudly and this is the norm for them, but from the outside they seem pompous and ill-mannered. And so on. Examples at every step. The world is so ideally and multifaceted that you are amazed. Everything in this world is necessary and important. Each of you brings your own seed to the common family. If you look at the people and situations around us as teachers, and you, in turn, are a teacher for them, then life will sparkle with different colors. There is a mirror around us that reflects our reality. Change yourself and everything around you will change, both for the good and for the bad. We choose our own reality and no one is to blame for this. You can’t blame the teacher for a bad grade if you don’t do your homework or don’t listen in class? Everything is in our hands and we choose our reality. Do you want change? We need to move forward, and not stand still. Water does not flow under a lying stone.. With respect to you and your unconscious, psychologist, hypnologist Natalya SalimovskayaDear readers! You can sign up for a consultation here (including online) or write to WhatsApp: +7 9014033445
