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I work as a psychotherapist, although in my country, and I live in Belarus, it would be correct to say that I am a practicing psychologist. This is because my basic education is psychological, not medical. I am in love with my work. My soul, heart, a lot of finances, time, and even more patience of my loved ones are invested in it, because: “Mom works a lot and studies a lot.” My friends who are not connected with psychology ask: how can you be whole? talk for days about other people’s “cockroaches”, worries, doubts? And I tell them why I’m in love with my job. I love it when a person starts getting to know each other. Not getting to know me, but getting to know yourself. When suddenly, with surprise, he discovers that he is important and necessary, first of all for himself. I notice how the expression on his face changes, it becomes relaxed, his gaze and intonation change. I love it when people allow themselves to cry, finally stop swallowing resentment along with their tears, and learn to experience from beginning to end what was hidden somewhere very, very deep in my soul. I like that together with each of my clients I “grow”. Together we break through his fears, doubts, pain, and I know for sure that there is light at the end of the tunnel. And a person can walk along it on his own, I just illuminate this road for him with a flashlight. And the closer we get to the exit, the smaller the light of my lantern should be, the more mature the person becomes. I like to say: “Take your time... listen to yourself now.” And first see the surprise on their faces. After all, when we are in a hurry, we don’t notice so many things, we miss the important things. And most importantly, we do not hear our true desires. Over time, surprise gives way to confidence, and then a person begins to distinguish what suits him in life and what is not his story. I like that in my profession, age is an additional bonus. And with age, my knowledge, experience and feedback will be even more valuable to people. I love, together with the client, to look for that very needle that is lost in a haystack. We sort through this haystack, straw by straw, and life becomes clearer and more understandable. I like it when, after some time, they begin to trust me with something that was not entrusted to anyone - their secrets and desires. At this moment, I am glad that if a person was able to trust me, he will transfer this experience to the world around him. And he will trust others. I rejoice when they begin to understand that a symptom can be removed not only with a pill, but also with an understanding of what emotions are experienced inside and cannot find a way out. I rejoice when I hear the phrase: I began to understand my child, in I had similar experiences as a child. I like change. First internal, and then external. A girl student finally decides to tell her boyfriend about her experiences, and a responsible leader allows herself to entrust some of the affairs to her colleagues, when the hated job that takes up so much strength and energy changes, when a little kitten appears in the house, which she has dreamed of since childhood. The world does not change. by myself. First we change, and then miracles come into our lives. And how can one not remember my favorite “Alice in Wonderland”: What are those sounds over there? - Alice asked, nodding at the very secluded thickets of some pretty vegetation at the edge of the garden. “And these are miracles,” explained the Cheshire Cat indifferently. “And.. And what are they doing there?” – the girl asked, inevitably blushing. “As it should be,” the cat yawned. – They happen... These miracles are why I love my job :)
