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Finally in Russia, even among ordinary people, an understanding of alcoholism as a disease leading to death has emerged. Unfortunately, today there is no family in the country that has not been spared this disease. And even if you are so lucky that your parents did not abuse alcohol, there will definitely be other dependent relatives: grandfathers, uncles, aunts, brothers, etc., whose disease, one way or another, affects your life. Perhaps you have already created your own family where you are faced with addiction problems. Unfortunately, today even drug addiction specialists are convinced that alcoholism is incurable. At their suggestion, the well-known phrase that there are no former alcoholics kills the faith of addicts and their relatives in recovery, and the statement itself implies a negative attitude towards the personality of an alcoholic. But for some reason we do not condemn people with other chronic diseases, for example, oncology, although these diseases, like alcoholism, are a consequence of mental disorders, i.e. psychosomatic. Thus, dishonest narcologists speculate on the misfortune of the patient and their relatives, basing their “treatment” on methods that stop alcohol consumption for a while, but do not affect the essence of the disease. So, recovery is POSSIBLE if only two conditions are met: The desire of the addict himself to stop drinking alcohol. It is impossible to treat alcoholism against the wishes of the patient and without his knowledge. Stopping a person from drinking alcohol should be accompanied by group support. This means that throughout recovery the alcoholic attends support groups whose members are also alcoholics. Today, the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous is considered the most effective group movement in this direction. By formally stopping the use of a chemical substance without spiritual work, a person can remain sober for the rest of his life. This condition is called dry alcoholism, i.e. a person’s actions continue to be controlled by alcoholic behavior, and recovery at the mental level does not occur. If a person seeks help from professional specialists (narcologists, psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists), these consultations should be carried out in parallel with a visit to a non-professional support group. If these conditions are met, the patient experiences a long-term stable remission, against the background of which all systems are restored after 7-8 years human body, previously subjected to destruction. In this case, we can talk about the patient’s recovery and liberation from addiction. When we talk about the recovery of a person addicted to a chemical substance, we mean the restoration of his health at all levels. The only thing that cannot be restored in an addicted person today is control over the use of the substance. Even after any number of years, when drinking alcohol again, a person very quickly returns to his previous state. Moreover, there is such a still inexplicable phenomenon: in the event of a return to drinking alcohol at any period of abstinence, the entire human body in a short time comes to such a state as if he had continued to drink alcohol all this time. Together with Yulia Vasyukova
