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From the author: It turns out that I started laying the foundations of Nature-oriented psychotherapy much earlier than I thought. In 2009, long before, how in 2014 I began to consciously formulate the principles and techniques of Nature-oriented psychotherapy, I fell in love......and today, among the drafts in the mail, I discovered several letters from 2009 addressed to L., the content of which is essentially what I later called - nature-oriented psychotherapeutic metaphors. They serve as a tool with which a person, through metaphorical interaction with any element of Nature, can pay attention to his current experiences or to those states and properties that he needs to overcome current situations. Days when it snows Days when it snows are always special days. The sight of falling snowflakes is mesmerizing, as if stopping time. Looking at them, you can stop and think, or, letting go of thoughts, relax and just observe. In such moments, you can allow yourself to dream, feeling complete inner freedom. It is important to give yourself this opportunity, because to become free, you need to dream, since any road begins within. Snow itself does not exist, it is only a changed form, it is water. Therefore, snowfall becomes something more than a natural phenomenon, it becomes something magical. But the magic of snow does not end there, it continues when the snow melts. A snowflake is spinning in the air and as soon as it lands, in a moment it can disappear, turning into water. This is the magic of acquiring the primary form, this is the essence of transformation. We, like snow, can also change shape, be magic, create miracles, dream and make dreams come true, be free, go in any direction, surprise and delight, stop glances and attract attention. We can do anything, and the days when it snows only remind us of this... By the dark water “But I don’t sing a song to music, I’m just hitting stones against stones. I’m just drinking the sky with a glass, So it’s shaking a little...” Picnic “Says and Shows "The Circle of Life describes the continuous cyclical nature of processes. Life as a Universal process cannot and is not tied to the individual. Life determines the existence not of an individual person, but of all people, not of a specific planet, but of the entire Universe. The great circles of Life lead us into the future, giving us the present and rewarding us with the past. Standing by the dark, almost black water of the city pond, I thought, but in the summer this same water seemed green, and in the spring, when there was still ice in places, it seemed blue. Of course, in fact, the water did not change its color, it’s just that a huge number of the most incredible transformation processes are constantly happening in Nature, which are not always noticed by people whose attention is absorbed in the bustle of the city. While people indifferently and casually walk by, water and sunlight interact non-stop, creating visual miracles. What is an inexplicable phenomenon for humans is an everyday process for Nature, a process of changing forms. It is interesting to notice and observe this, sometimes much more interesting than watching people who are sadly monotonous and predictable. If people took an example from natural phenomena and forms, if they learned to interact harmoniously, as water in a pond and sunlight do , then the human world would be completely different, a much more friendly space, open to development. And after all, people know how to listen and hear Nature, and through it themselves and each other, but first you need to learn to dream, freeing your mind and your thinking from boundaries and definitions, to see and understand what is inside. And having seen all this, never let go, never forget, and never stop on the path of development. Water can flow, time can pass, and only the will to remain human will always sparkle with a bright spark in the hearts and eyes of those who have looked into themselves through the mirror of Nature. "We came out of»
