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Yesterday Lyova had a hysteria. You know this when you walk down the street, for example, and see a child lying on the asphalt, punching and screaming non-stop. It was pretty much the same with us. Of course, when we were heading to the store for sneakers, near which there was a railway under glass, thoughts about a not very good ending to our trip crept into my head. But before we knew how to negotiate. The fact is that our son’s biggest hobby now is trains, in any of their manifestations. Everywhere and everywhere. Therefore, it was unrealistic to pass by, given the fact that we had been near it before. Trying on the sneakers was a success only with the further promise of running a train on the railway. While I went to another store to buy socks, dad and son went to implement their plan. And now, that very moment has come. While still at the checkout, I heard a familiar cry beginning. After several starts of the train, Leva learned that it was time to leave. But he didn’t want to leave. The crying began to increase with maximum force and had already turned into hysterics. Of course, all our persuasion and words were useless. He reveled in his grief so much that it didn’t matter what we were trying to tell him. This is the first time we have encountered such a situation. After several minutes of persuasion and attempts to somehow distract and muffle this crying, there was only one thing left. Pick up the repulsive child and walk with him to the car. Unfortunately, the shopping center we love has only one elevator, which never allows children with small children or strollers. More precisely, they let you through in the order of priority. Figuring that entering a crowded elevator with a screaming baby in my arms was not a good idea, I took Leva in my arms and walked with him throughout the shopping center from the 3rd floor to the -2. All this time he screamed with such force that it seemed that my eardrums would definitely not withstand such tension. Reflecting on the current situation in the evening, I tried to remember the reaction of people passing by, but I couldn’t. I realized that at that moment it seemed to me that in the whole shopping center we were just the two of us, I was thinking about how to calm him down and convey that his behavior was so-so. I haven't been as happy to see our car for a long time as I was today. Having loaded up, we drove towards the house. The screaming did not stop. Finally, having reached the road, passing trams, fast trains, and the same beloved trains came to help switch from hysteria. The hysteria began to stop. I understand my son. He was watching, enjoying what he loves most, and then we intervened. But I also understand myself, we couldn’t stand near the installation all evening, Leva definitely could. At home we tried to talk and explain the whole situation to him. How is it possible to explain this to a child who is 2.5 years old? After another 5 minutes he was already running around the apartment happy and happy. Of course, the situation that happened could not go unnoticed for me. First of all, I really wanted to understand how correct my command was. I collected this information on the Internet and am sharing my findings. Children's hysteria. Algorithm of actions. What to do ⤵️Regardless of whether your child is having a whim or hysteria, you should take certain actions to normalize the situation. The most important thing is to maintain inner peace. Yes, it is very difficult to remain neutral when a child is hysterical, especially if it happens in a crowded place. And yet, this is the most basic rule. If a child is hysterical (crying loudly, screaming), you should NOT try to talk to him. He just won't hear you. Wait until he calms down a little, and then convey the information. You need to speak to the child in a very calm, quiet and confident tone. The mistake many parents make is that the words they say to their children sound uncertain, and the child understands that he can set his own conditions. Avoid these mistakes. You need to be close to the child at the moment when he is hysterical. You can touch it)
