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Development, creation and research of a device, the prototype of which is Wilhelm Reich's orgone accumulator. Using methods of body-oriented psychotherapy in my work with clients, I have repeatedly been convinced of their extraordinary effectiveness. Very often, the results of the work were like magic: excruciating pain that had lasted for years receded, insomnia went away, breathing became full and even, posture improved, the figure became slimmer, the psychological state changed, crises were overcome, the person and his whole life changed. Helping my clients and getting magical results gave me great satisfaction. I wanted to do even more for people. I was constantly learning. Attended various trainings, seminars, long-term training programs. I studied a huge amount of literature, looking for what could be useful in my work. One day, while studying materials about Wilhelm Reich, I had a desire to build and study an orgone accumulator and prove its functionality. In January 2010, I began developing and building such a battery. From the rather meager information existing on the Internet, the fundamental design of W. Reich's orgone accumulators was known. They were basically rectangular boxes with walls made of alternating layers of metal and wood. W. Reich placed his patients in such boxes to saturate their bodies with orgone energy. Oversaturation of the body with orgone energy made it possible to destroy or dissolve the so-called characteristic shell, vital energy began to circulate freely in the body, and the patient’s mental and physical recovery occurred. In this simple way, W. Reich cured his patients even from some chronic diseases that were incurable with classical medicine. Good results have also been obtained in the treatment of cancer. Orgone batteries had a particularly positive effect on children. On the Internet, I was able to find materials that in 1989, Soviet engineer S. N. Kolokoltsev designed an improved battery. Research and production of the devices were financed by the GEPHEST center at the Moscow branch of the Children's Fund. Research on the effects of Reich batteries (RA) on the human body was carried out by a group of doctors under the leadership of V.V. Androsov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, with the involvement of independent medical experts. The found materials stated the following: “Extensive scientific and practical material obtained over a year and a half on more than 200 patients with various diseases made it possible to reliably establish the powerful active principle of RA. During the session, all patients experienced a complex of subjective sensations: “tingling, warmth, burning, pressure and vibration” in open areas of the body, along the nerve trunks and in the internal organs, and the subjective sensations increased depending on the exposure and the number of sessions. After the session, as a rule, there was a feeling of complete rest and a surge of vigor, normalization of such physiological parameters of the body as blood pressure, heart rate, mobility of nervous processes, parameters of external respiration, in the vast majority of cases, overall physical performance increased (on average, one and a half times) .RA has a powerful universal effect on patients with various pathologies (the positive effect of RA ranges from 70 to 90%, depending on the severity of the pathology, the patient’s age and the duration of treatment). The battery is especially effective in treating functional diseases of the CENTRAL AND AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM, relieving HEADACHES, ATTACKS OF VEGETOVASCULAR NEUROSIS, BRONCHIAL ASTHMA, PAIN ATTACKS in patients with chronic diseases of internal organs and OSTEOCHONDROSIS, CONSEQUENCES OF CRANIO-CEREBRAL TRADE UMA, ARTHROSIS, ARTHRITIS. RA has a pronounced ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECT and restores IMMUNITY.Objectively, the raus stops tachycardia, normalizes the heart rhythm and stabilizes blood pressure. It is possible to note that the RA can be used for large -scale preventive purposes to unload the psychoemotional sphere and increase the performance in risk groups associated with stress, as well as increasing immunity in epidemics of acute respiratory diseases ” Here I would like to note that as soon as I got seriously involved in constructing the orgone accumulator, I immediately found myself in a very dense information flow that helped in my work. It was a really dense information flow, the sources of which were various television and radio programs, films, stories and conversations of people around me, various literature, news feeds on the Internet. Very often I had the feeling that this publicly available information was intended specifically for me, that someone was helping me in my search and leading me to this information. And thanks to this, I turn on the TV or radio at the right time, go to a seemingly unnecessary meeting, start reading a book or article, or follow a series of links on the Internet. And in the end I understand that what I saw, heard or read is exactly what I need to build my orgone accumulator. It took about eleven months to develop and build the first sample. This was due both to new information constantly being revealed to me related to the optimal number, composition and arrangement of layers when constructing an orgone accumulator, and to purely technical difficulties associated with placing the device in the room where I received clients. Finally, all difficulties were overcome, and in November 2010 the orgone accumulator was installed in my office. The battery design consisted of a flat multi-layer base on which the client was located and a multi-layer cover in the form of a half-cylinder. The first researcher of the device was my client K., with whom we were working at that time. K. lay in the device for about thirty minutes. When I lifted the lid, she was in no hurry to get up and said that she would gladly stay in this device for a longer time, for example, overnight. Among the obvious bodily sensations, she described a relaxation of the whole body, a feeling of warmth in the chest and tingling sensations in the legs and arms. She also said that there was a sensation of some kind of wave passing from the feet and ending in the abdomen. The first client survey was encouraging. I was convinced of what I was already sure of. The battery works!!! It should be noted here that the installation and research of my orgone accumulator was accompanied by some mystical things, namely, as soon as I finished hanging the lid of the device and it was ready for use, my grandmother, who lives above my office, came to us and complained that Her light didn't work and she blamed it on me. I went to her and turned on the fuse on her panel that had tripped for some reason. The light appeared, the grandmother calmed down, and it seemed that everything was fine, but no. In the evening of the same day, when the device first started working, the grandmother appeared again with a complaint about an incomprehensible noise and power outages and asked the electrician (i.e. me) who fixed everything for her last time. Unfortunately, I was no longer there. And my neighbors showed my office so that my grandmother could be convinced that there was no one there and there was simply no one to make noise and turn off her power. Seeing the orgone accumulator, she said that this thing was probably radioactive and left. The story with my grandmother, of course, did not end there, but more on that a little later. In the meantime, I examined my device every day, lying down in it twice a day, morning and evening. He offered to try the device to all his acquaintances, friends, relatives and clients. About 30 volunteers took part in the research. Our own observations and surveys of the subjects allowed us to establish the following: 1. People are divided into several groups according to sensations,.
