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Anticipating the future is a natural need of our body. The brain is constantly, on autopilot, engaged in forecasting. The basis of the “Obednin S.D. Algorithm” the task is to identify the point in time that is most favorable for achieving the goal. The technical result is to increase the motivation of the subject in the process of achieving the goal, at the specified point in time. The formula “Obednin S.D. Algorithm” - psychology + actuarial mathematics = triumph of the goal, where: algorithm - a set of instructions (mechanisms, tools) describing the order of actions of the performer to achieve the result of solving a problem in a finite number of actions. psychology (from ancient Greek - “soul” - “knowledge”) - a science that studies structures inaccessible to external observation and processes in order to explain human behavior, as well as the characteristics of the behavior of individual groups and teams. It combines humanitarian and natural science approaches. Actuarial mathematics is a field of knowledge of mathematics that includes a set of mathematical methods, mathematical modeling tools based on the theory of probability, the theory of random processes, and mathematical statistics. The goal is the ideal or real object of the conscious or unconscious aspiration of the subject; the end result that the process is intentionally aimed at; “bringing an opportunity to its full completion”; a conscious image of an anticipated result. There are 2 modes of human behavior that are contrary to nature: 1) “I command fate” - a person believes that he can do everything, he controls FROM AND TO every area of ​​his life. 2) “I bow to fate” - a person believes that nothing depends on him, he must wait, maybe something will happen by itself, and the cause of all problems is fate, or he/she/they, but not me. In reality, there is a golden mean between (1) and (2 ). Thus, in 99% of cases, fate does not give a clear event, but a choice point, which can be reached using the “Obednin S.D. Algorithm” “enter” the event we need. "Algorithm of Obednin S.D." helps to calculate choice points and event equivalents that are possible at a certain moment in space and time. Forecast using the “Obednin S.D. Algorithm” - these are, first of all, strategies for optimal behavior, this is a “map of the area”, reflecting which action is timely at what moment, and for which action the red light is on. “Obednin S.D. Algorithm.” solves problems: - prevention and control of risks; - timing of possible implementation of events. Actuarial mathematics and psychology are a synthesis that allows you to achieve excellent results. An individual, comprehensive approach to each problem eliminates template solutions. Coach S.D. Obednin www.soyaconsulting.com
