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From the author: This article is about a magical method that, if carried out systematically, will bring into your life a constant feeling of simple human happiness! Surely, you are familiar with the state when the soul seems to be squeezed in a vice, and there is a heavy stone on the heart. This is a difficult, depressing condition that drags you into a quagmire and prevents you from breathing deeply, enjoying a new day, sunlight, etc. Each of us has enough reasons for such experiences: dissatisfaction with work, misunderstanding in the family, constant financial difficulties, but few or something else. All this certainly makes us experience a lot of negative emotions and feelings. Despair, fear, anxiety and doubt accumulate inside us like a snowball, each time enslaving us more and more. They kill our self-confidence, take away the strength to act, force us to hide from ourselves, finding solace in a sweet cake, in endless TV watching, or even in a bitter glass. It is these feelings that are the culprits of all our troubles and adversities. How many problems they cause us, how much they attract troubles and disappointments into our lives. They undermine our health and self-confidence. However, paradoxically, it is not our feelings that are to blame for all this in the first place, BUT OURSELVES! We, because we do not know how to let go of these feelings! We ourselves cling to them with a death grip and do not allow ourselves to free ourselves. Or rather, we don’t know how! They don’t teach us this at school. But to do this, in fact, is very, very simple. Like everything ingenious, by the way. Here is an amazing technique that has allowed many people to radically change their lives: Focus on the situation that is bothering you at the moment. What feeling are you experiencing now, feel it as deeply as possible. Find in which part of the body this feeling is located, where it causes discomfort ?Create an image for it. Are you ready to let go of this feeling? Let it go (even if there is no internal readiness) ... As a result of this simple exercise, you should feel lightness and liberation, a sense of calm and peace. If there is no such condition, repeat the exercise. Sometimes it happens that the same situation causes many feelings at once, and as a result of work they will surface one after another. Don’t be afraid of this, be patient and everything you let go will go away forever. Initially, the results may not be so obvious. But the more often you practice this technique, the faster you will harmonize your inner state and feel changes in all areas of your life. And also free up a large amount of productive energy, which will give you the strength to move forward and enjoy every moment! You can find out more about this method in the book: Gayla Dvoskina “SEDONA METHOD: Get rid of emotional problems and live the life you’ve always dreamed of».
