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From the author: The perinatal period (the period “around pregnancy”) can be considered as a “little life” - a model of the current one, which can be studied and adjusted. Does the Fetus live in the womb of the Mother? Or does it simply exist as an additional organ? Of course he lives! - women who gave birth will say, feeling how the Fetus reacts to events.... In this sense, the Perinatal period (the period “around pregnancy”) can be considered as a “little life”. Somehow the Universe brings Man and Woman together. An imperceptible “traction – connection” arises between them, growing into an extremely energy-saturated Field of Love (remember what Feats you are capable of in the name of Love). This energy brings two spiritualized cells closer together for the birth of a New Life.... What happens next is “ small”, almost unnoticeable life (I was on call with a young woman who found out that she was pregnant - only with the onset of contractions). During this life, the Fetus grows and learns to react, receiving information from Mom, and, indirectly, from Dad ( the energy of persisting or decreasing Love between Dad and Mom). At the same time, the Fetus DOES NOT BREATHE! It receives energy and information through a kind of “USB” cable – the Umbilical Cord! But there are also “bluetooth” and “Wi-Fi”... And, when the Fruit has reached “maturity” - sufficient Mass, with a sufficient supply of its own energy and attitudes, for independent maintenance of life (mainly BREATHING), an alarming moment comes TRANSITION – Childbirth! This moment is accompanied by a storm of emotions and Fear (isn’t this where our Fear of Death originates?). And the birth itself is accompanied by pain, which we will not remember or even imagine - there is nothing to compare with. One can only assume that it was very painful - since even the bones of the skull were displaced.... This is where the Miracle of Transition happens! With the first BREATH comes the “death” of the Fetus and the birth of a Human. For the Fetus, breathing is “death” (the fetus nominally and legally ceases to exist). For a Human, Breath is life. And with the last Inhalation, a person turns into a corpse... The fetus cannot know how it will exist after birth, but it has already “grown” to the size of its “universe” - the Uterus, and is forced to be born (“die”). A person cannot know about his existence after death – and, having exhausted the capabilities of his body, having accumulated a huge amount of information, is forced to die (“born” into the Space of the Universe). Nature – treats energy and information sparingly, preserving and transforming one into the other…. And rumors about Death are greatly exaggerated! https://www.b17.ru/article/sluchi_o_smerti/ An adult can already find out what happened to the Fetus in the perinatal period (after all, the information is already there, written in DNA - you just need to “unpack the archive”), and you can work with the existing information using various techniques. Today, the most effective trance method of gaining access to information of the perinatal period has been and remains the method of Holotropic Breathwork. And, in combination with the method of Systemic Constellations, it becomes possible to reach even greater depths of the Subconscious, to the level of several generations of the Family .The advantage of Holotrope is in the excess energy needed for change (due to intense breathing), and in the sequence (from the most pressing problems for the body as a whole, to particulars...). There are no fruits without flowering, but there are also barren flowers.... The very session of intense breathing accompanied by loud music, with eyes closed, and interaction through gestures - touches, prevents possible manipulations on the part of the “accompanying” (both conscious and unconscious, albeit with with the best intentions...).What happens in Holotrope is only what you need, what you are ready for! “Little life”, as a model of your current life, can be customized by living it in Holotrope sessions, returning the natural ones characteristic only of you. default settings.” PS Breathing is great! Holotropic breathing in Tver PPS. https://www.b17.ru/courses/write_and_read/?prt=98234
