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An archetype in psychology is understood as a generalized image located in the collective unconscious. The thousand-year history of mankind contains experiences that are repeated with slight variations - the experience of birth, growing up, parenthood, relationships with the opposite sex, victories and defeats. The most typical patterns of these experiences live in our pre-individual memory, influencing (often unbeknownst to us) our perception of the world, thoughts, emotions and actions. Attempts to describe the driving force of archetypes and explore their influence lead to the emergence of various classifications. In my opinion, the most interesting and promising classification of archetypes was proposed by psychotherapist Jane S. Bolen. She, drawing on her rich practical experience, described the unconscious patterns working in the female psyche through their association with Greek goddesses. The seven female archetypes are represented by seven goddesses - Artemis, Athena, Hera, Aphrodite, Demeter, Persephone and Hestia. Since our focus is on an archetype and not a mythological character, there is no need to study in detail the personal qualities and life history of each of the goddesses. Any woman knows them inside herself, feeling some more clearly, others less, but in any case enough to start working with them as archetypes. How to work with them? First of all, you need to understand that an archetype – this is not just a static image, or a set of certain qualities. This is a channel for energy: the power of the archetype leads the woman’s energy in a certain direction. The included archetype, on the one hand, enhances certain qualities, abilities and capabilities of a woman, and on the other hand, limits those manifestations of her that do not fit into this archetypal pattern. I will give an example. Athena is the goddess of wisdom and strategic war, with an unsurpassed will to win and emotional self-control. The Athena archetype guides and supports a woman wherever clarity of thought, result orientation, planning, and calculating the situation several steps ahead are needed. A woman who successfully engages in scientific work, builds a business, and negotiates interacts with the energy of Athena. What is important here is logic and consistency of actions, methodical implementation of decisions made, tracking results, and a rational and practical approach. When turned on at full capacity, the Athena archetype automatically turns off spontaneity, emotionality, sensitivity, impulsiveness and all other manifestations that will interfere with the tasks of the Athenian spectrum, where success comes through focus, composure and purposefulness. To enter other processes, for example, caring for children, or flirting with a man, or just relaxing, a woman needs to disconnect from the Athena channel and switch to another archetype, that is, to find herself in a flow of energy of a different quality. Generous, patient, capable of endless giving, Demeter is the only archetype from which it is possible to give children the feeling of love and security that they fundamentally need. Beautiful Aphrodite, living in the moment "here and now", sensual and able to see beauty in everything - the most suitable archetype for relaxation, lovemaking and types of creativity that require lively expression (what is also called inspiration) - such as dancing, singing , poetry. Difficulties begin where a woman gets “stuck” in one familiar energy channel. Then the manifestations of some archetype begin to be perceived by her as integral qualities of her personality. The result is often a sad picture - the invincible Athena, shining in the professional field, remains unhappy and lonely in personal relationships, because she tries to act from the same archetype in the sphere of feelings - a zone located outside the energy channel of Athena. The tender loving mother, “stuck” in the Demeter archetype, directs all her energy into caring for her children, and eventually becomes exhausted (because only the immortal goddess Demeter 2015
