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O: “Hello... My gynecologist referred me to a psychologist. Although, to be honest, I don’t understand why. I have health problems, I’m worried about unsuccessful treatment, and now I have no time for a psychologist at all! But the gynecologist told me to bring a note from you in the direction...” P: “Ohhh... I understand your reluctance... and I see that you are worried... and I will not impose any advice on you. Can I just ask a couple of questions?” A: “Let’s do it.” Ask. I have enough time, I’m here as a day hospital for now.” P: “Please tell me, how long have you been treated? And how successful?” A: “Yes, for more than 6 years! I tried all kinds of doctors, no one could help... I tried all sorts of medical and folk remedies - everything was useless!!!" P: "...Do you want to get well?" O (surprised and irritated): "Yes, of course, What a question! That’s why I’m here, in this clinic!” P: “If you have used all the means and have not been able to recover for 6 years, maybe it’s worth looking at the situation from a different “angle”? Maybe your illness is aggravated by some other factors other than medical ones, if it is not treatable?” A: “I don’t know anymore... maybe... I’m tired of fighting, I’m very nervous about this...” P: “What do you feel now when you talk about it?” A: “I feel helpless and despair...” P: “... Despair and a feeling of helplessness... these feelings are unlikely to contribute to healing!... Do they make you feel better or worse?” A: “ Of course it’s worse...” P: “Since you have a little time, maybe we’ll try to do something together to at least alleviate your condition, and we’ll see!” O: “Okay... Let's try... But how can you help me?...” P: “First, try to get distracted and dream a little... be a little child... You see a sandbox in front of you and many different figures... Imagine what it is not a sandbox, but your world, and these are not figurines, these are creatures that live in your world....Whatever it would be, your world, create, invent it, how you see it, feel it, experience it.... As soon as O . built her own world in the sandbox, the conversation continued. P: “Tell me about it! Who is this? What's going on here?" A: “This is the forest all around... And here in the center is a cradle with a newborn princess... Bent over her are the happy king and queen, the entire royal family and nobles around... looking at her with joy!” P: “Okay... Now try to come up with a fairy tale about This! Who is the main character here? What’s going on here?” O (after some reflection): “Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, and a little beautiful princess was born to them! They were immensely happy! The royal family threw a feast, everyone brought gifts, said toasts, sang, danced!.. But in the midst of the holiday, in the evening, when everyone was dancing, the king and queen approached the cradle and saw that it was empty!!! They were terribly scared, began to cry, shouting: “Where is our daughter???!!!” Everyone began to look for her, but the princesses seemed to have disappeared!... It turns out that the little princess was stolen from the cradle by some invisible witchcraft force and carried her far, far away... the little princess found herself lying alone in a boat... in the ocean... And in this She lived on the boat for about 17-18 years... Either the hot sun was scorching, then a cold hurricane wind was blowing, then it was raining, lightning was flashing... the boat floated and floated, the girl was thin, hungry, exhausted, but alive and beautiful... and smart! but so exhausted that this beauty could not be seen... And so, by some current this boat was washed ashore and the girl came ashore... a dense forest rose in front of her! She was so happy that she got ashore, and she had only one desire: to find her family as soon as possible! She was not afraid, she made her way through the dense forest, but its trees greeted the girl with tenacious branches, hooks and needles, the girl walked forward, and the forest became more and more terrible and impenetrable... there was no foliage anymore, only thorns and darkness... She made her way further, her the body was scratched, wounded, the clothes were torn... But the worst thing was that with every step the girl was getting older!!! She noticed how her handsturn into the hooks of an old woman, her fingers become hooked and her nails become old... and the moment she approached the very edge of the forest, she turned into a terrible, emaciated hundred-year-old old woman, looking like a witch from fairy tales... She saw a clearing in front of her, in the center of which she stood cradle... in it lay a small beautiful lump - the same princess she once was, the king and queen rejoiced, and everyone around admired the baby... The old woman realized that this was her... and she felt so pained!.... .......... She realized that she would not be able to go out to them, that they would simply be afraid of her, would not recognize her, would not accept her and would kick her out!... And she cried bitterly, watching her beloved family from afar and as a little girl, I feel lonely and unhappy... So... It turned out to be a very sad fairy tale..." (The client had difficulty holding back her tears during the story) P: "How are you? How are you feeling?” O (collected): “I’m fine.” P: “Not too tired? Can we continue?” O: “Yes, of course, I would even like to…” P: “Now try to pretend to be this old woman... ... ... What are her thoughts about?” O: “I will never be able to meet my beloved family again, and they will know They’ll drive me away if they see me like this!” P: “And what does the old woman feel when she thinks like that?” O: “She’s terribly ashamed... and scared... and lonely... She’s in despair...” P: “And what does she want to do? "A: "She wants to change it, but doesn't know how! That’s why she sobs and tears out her hair.” P: “What is valuable and important for her to want to change, but not know how?” O (surprised and irritated): “I don’t know! It doesn't matter at all!!! She is in despair, she is crying, rushing about! How could her suffering and despair, shame, fear and feeling of hopelessness be valuable and important to her??? She wants to stop suffering!!! I don’t understand!” P: “Yes, she wants to stop suffering, but she suffers and cries and rushes about. What does this give her? What good will she get from this for herself?” O: “I don’t know... Well, maybe, just after crying and tossing around, she will relax a little, release her feelings, and she will feel better?...” P: “And if will she allow herself to “suffer” to the fullest, release, express all her accumulated feelings, after which she will feel lighter and calmer, how will this be valuable and important for her?” A: “Well... then she will calmly be able to analyze the situation... she can come up with something that will help her solve the problem..." P: "What does this say about your life?" A: "I suffer a lot, I feel very bad, this is my shame, my fear and despair... and there is no one to help me, I have to do it myself cope... But I can’t show it, tell anyone, I have to hide it, I have no time for this now, I have to be strong!” (The client straightened her back, swallowed saliva, began to “fidget” in the chair, periodically rubbing her throat and lower abdomen with her hands) P: “I understand, my dear... It’s true, it’s very scary and difficult... And you have the right to restrain your feelings for so long , how much do you need to survive, to survive both physically and psychologically... And if about that old woman, if not about you: What is the worst thing that will happen to her if she forbids herself to sob and fight in despair? If she silently clenches her jaws and fists?” O: “She will turn to stone... or even die... turn to dust...” P: “How do you deal with this? How do you restrain this whole flow of your feelings?” O (quietly, with bated breath, looks at P): “I am now a stone... And I don’t live at all...” P: “Darling, if you want to do something about this, I’m nearby, I can help...” O: “I want to... but I can’t afford it! I can’t relax, I have a small child in my arms! He is now with a nanny, but I’m afraid that if I relax, get emotional, and go into my suffering, then I won’t be able to pull myself together to fully take care of him.” P: “I understand your fears... Tell me, O., and what is the best thing that will happen to you if you are here now, in a comfortable environment, environmentally friendly and with my support, allow yourself to relax a little and share your fears and pain, tell what happened to you and who offended you so much, cry and get angry out loud ?Oh (sighing deeply and closing his eyes): “...I will feel that I am a weak woman,.
