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In the famous work “On the drives and their destinies,” S. Freud expresses a paradoxical thought: “Hate is older than love.” If you look at it, Freud talks about ambivalence, that is, the duality of all feelings (states): love VS hate; activity VS passivity; attraction to life VS attraction to death. If we allow ourselves to speak sincerely and boldly about our true feelings, we will find confirmation of Freud’s theory It’s scary to admit the presence of aggression and hatred in yourself, and also very, very shameful. “Good girls don’t get angry”, “you can’t be offended by your mother”, “no one is friends with evil children”... Many beliefs and attitudes prohibit us from feeling certain emotions, expressing and talking about them. However, we cannot stop experiencing emotions , stop yourself from feeling. Therefore, we cover true emotions with shame or anxiety. And this is at best. We always feel ashamed in the presence of someone, someone who forbade us to be angry, someone who himself could not express anger and was afraid of it... It seems to us that aggression is destructive , this is how we feel from the inside. But if you express aggression through a certain action, the tension gradually decreases. Imagine an apple, we bite into it, destroy it, absorb it. Biting is an act of aggression, the aggression we need to survive. So, healthy aggression helps us survive, feed, defend personal boundaries, and reproduce. That is, with the help of healthy aggression we satisfy part of our basic needs. It is important here to divide the concept of “aggression” into healthy and neurotic. Healthy aggression always helps us. We feel anger when: people violate our personal boundaries or go against our values, against what is truly important to us. Neurotic anger is completely different: it can cover other emotions (fear, guilt, disappointment), and be the only way to express oneself , hide vulnerability and inner pain...Neurotic anger is irrational and destructive. Which aggression do you have more of? Healthy or neurotic? How do you deal with the energy of aggression? In psychoanalytic psychotherapy sessions, we work with traumatic experiences and repressed feelings and affects. Psychoanalytic therapy is a gentle tool on the path to integrity and psychological stability. Registration for consultations is open.
