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“I AM YOU, YOU ARE ME, AND WE DO NOT NEED ANYONE” ❤️Then it was about the desire to give everything that we have singer, to his chosen one. Remember this song? Lena heard in these words a description of ideal love: you and I, we are always together, we have everything in common, without you I don’t need anything, you are the most important thing in my life. She dreamed of such a relationship in her youth. Therefore, when she met Oleg, she clearly knew how she saw their love. Lena invested all her care, attention and the money she earned, not noticing the emerging crack in their relationship. Gradually, bewilderment from the increasingly frequent quarrels, scandals and coldness of the chosen one grew into resentment, and then into depression. Lena felt used, unappreciated and rejected. It turned out that she had no one to share the pain of parting with, since over the years of her life with Oleg there was not a single girlfriend left. Katya, in the third year of her marriage to Sergei, was forced to decide to divorce, since his control and imposition of his opinion turned out to be excessive and unacceptable for her. Tanya, after several years of marriage, in the heat of a quarrel, heard that Sasha was disgusted by the furniture, which, according to Tanya, they “chose together for their common home with such love,” and that no one asked his opinion! The plots of such stories are recognizable, isn't it? A seemingly quite happy couple spends years together in evenings, weekends and vacations, living in perfect harmony, and suddenly - at the risk of divorce or separation. If there is a feeling that such closeness to each other has been achieved with your partner, such mutual understanding that you as a single being with the same tastes, interests, views, then there is a possibility that we are talking about a symbiotic relationship or merger. At the same time, it becomes very scary to lose a part of yourself. Paradoxically, merging becomes a step towards the destruction of relationships. In the rush of apparent unity, it is easy not to notice that your chosen one is cramped and stuffy, that he is burdened by shifting boundaries. Share how you feel in your relationship with your loved one? Do you feel a balance of closeness and freedom between you??
