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The topic that a person “is not needed by anyone” periodically comes up in my consultations. And strange as it may seem at first glance, these are not always lonely people. Many people want to understand why they are haunted by “loneliness in the crowd”, why they are not accepted and understood, do not think about them, this is equivalent to “being unnecessary” for them. And here’s what I would like to say about this: people think about you, but not as you think. What is important to them is what they get in contact with you! As a metaphor for understanding interaction in society with the sign + or as they also say “I’m ok and they are ok,” I would like to cite the theory of Hans Selye, described in his book “Stress without Distress” . Selye the biologist, known in psychology as a stress researcher, wrote about the so-called altruistic egoism. “Think about yourself, but be necessary for others and you will achieve a good disposition towards yourself.” G. Selye Our entire physical body works on this principle. Each cell knows that it needs to give something in order to receive something in return and vice versa. Healthy cells have no idea that things could be different. Only in diseased cells, i.e. who are onko.. "another psychology", they want everything only for themselves, without giving anything in return. Their problem is that they don’t understand that they will get everything for themselves and fill everything with themselves, but together with the body they themselves will eventually die... So, why not use the hint of our body? So, let’s figure out what people can need to be and what they want: How comfortable they are with you How right they feel Do they feel important And warm Do they receive any resources from communicating with you And in order to be able to give something to another person (in order to then also receive something), very It is important to begin by studying yourself, figuratively speaking, to consider yourself from all sides. And for this I propose an exercise that will help with this: So. Working with MAC (metaphorical associative cards) Select 2 cards face up. The first symbol of what you know about yourself and those around you know - open I2I - “Hidden I” - something that only you know about yourself. Closed 2nd card also “Blind spot” - you don’t know, but those around you know about you “Unknown I” -you don’t know, not them, but it is there. Think about the differences between these 4 cards. Try to unravel the meaning of the 4th card (you can use the proposed MAC or any others) Fix your sense of touch when working with MAC, this can be the key to understanding yourself and using the principle of altruism selfishness for the good If you have benefited from this article and exercise, subscribe or come to a consultation to get answers to your questions) You can sign up for a consultation through the website
