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From the author: The following article is on the topic of post-traumatic rehabilitation of each individual. The next effect that can be identified as a result of a traumatic episode is powerful psychological defenses. When speaking about powerful psychological defenses, I mean immature forms of defense. The stronger the trauma that has occurred in life, the more primitive (and effective, according to our brain) defenses arise in response. As I suggested in the opening article, few people have had an absolutely cloudless life. First of all, in childhood, when basic beliefs are formed and stuckness and fixations occur. It is these most immature patterns or forms of reaction that interfere with achieving the desired results! I will briefly list the patterns of primitive defenses so that you can determine their presence in your life. And they could also realize their meaning and influence. 1) Isolation. This is an attempt to completely escape from an unpleasant situation, to remove it from life. The most common methods in adulthood are “strong substances” and procrastination. 2) Denial Denial of everything that is in any way connected with an unpleasant situation. “This didn’t happen, I don’t know anything about it, I was in a completely different place,” and so on. And, of course, complete confidence in this. 3) “Almighty” control The illusion that in this world everything depends on you and your behavior. This is when “luck” in life is determined by “where you got up today” or whether you wore a “lucky” shirt today. 4) Idealization: Endowing a certain person with unlimited abilities: his parents, his doctor or his personal astrologer. 5) Devaluation This is the other side of idealization. Often follows her. Allows you to reduce the significance and remove the burdensome dependence. Well, or strengthen your own idealization.) 6) Projection Endowing an object or subject with your own (unaccepted) qualities. 7) Introjection: Endowing oneself with the qualities of external subjects or objects. “I’m just like him, cruel, lonely, strong...” He is part of me, I feel like him, these are my feelings... 8) Splitting This is a rigid division into polarities: good-bad, black-white, necessary-unnecessary. 9) Dissociation Separation from oneself, from one’s body, from one’s personality. The phenomenon of multiple personality. Of course, each such manifestation must be dealt with separately, and I am sure that it will be very successful. But in this article I would still like to give a key that everyone can use to improve the quality of their life, regardless of the type of primitive reaction. What do all these protections have in common? They are united by dissociation from the problem, an attempt not to live through a difficult episode. I propose dividing your work with defenses into 3 stages. Remember that there is no need to get rid of defenses, they help us a lot, but many contexts of your life may suffer. We work with defenses and transform them into more effective strategies. Stage 1. Awareness 1.0. Identification Is it possible to track immature defenses in yourself if they work unconsciously? I'm sure so. How: 1) If you are faced with a difficult or unpleasant situation, you can already feel it. Feel the fact itself in the form of anxiety, concern. Here it is - the first marker. Primitive defense may begin to operate here. 2) Reactions of people around you - also do not neglect this. Moreover, the opinions of loved ones whom you trust. So, the first stage is to monitor the possible beginning of the process. Expanding awareness. Stage 2. Awareness 2.0 - determine what is happening and what is going wrong. We must try to clearly understand what I have in this situation: - What is the problem? - What is my mistake? - What is inaccessible to me? Living through the situation, looking at the problem (from the inside or from the outside) is the way out of it, and learning new things useful strategies. Stage 3. Positive revaluation. Considering the situation from the right angle for a successful solution. An objective look at the problem and the establishment of psychological frameworks is a very effective strategy for solving life problems. Main!
