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In psychology, there are many options for exercises related to rain. This is quite justified, since rain is a symbol of cleansing, unshed tears, and peace. I offer you my version, which has been successfully used by many of my patients. Who is this exercise suitable for? 1. Those who are currently experiencing severe shock, severe stress. 2. Those who want to gain strength and confidence. Depending on the goal, this exercise is performed with some features. First option. It is used for severe psychological conditions, apathy, loss, grief. A person in such conditions may cry a lot, but the feeling that the tears are endless does not leave. There is a concept of “internal tears”. They are not visible, but they are the ones who eat away at the soul and give a feeling of hopelessness. Before you start the exercise, try to answer the following questions: 1. How many tears are inside me? The answer must be extremely precise• Ocean• Sea• River• Puddle• Bucket• GlassImagine and hold your image of tears as vividly as possible.2. Consider the color of your tears, perhaps they are uneven, take a closer look. 3. If possible, “touch your tears with your hand” and feel the temperature, density. After you have answered the questions as accurately as possible and come into contact with this image, you can continue further. While sitting, place your hands on your hips so that it is comfortable. Start tapping your thighs with each hand alternately, striking out a rhythm that feels good to you. At the same time, keep the image of tears in your field of attention. Thus, in one unit of time you will perform two tasks • Tap the rhythm alternately with each hand, you get a soothing effect. • Hold the image of tears. Continue doing this until you feel slightly tired, maybe with five-minute breaks. The next day, the exercise can be repeated. Second option .For those who want to find resources within themselves, gain strength and confidence.Performed while lying on your back. Arms along the body, palms calmly placed on the floor or bed. Tap out the rhythm with one finger or all of your palms, each hand in turn. Remember the rain you have ever seen or imagine. Your task is to get used to the picture of rain as vividly as possible, see it, hear it, smell it, feel it. If you only managed to see or hear, don’t be upset, work with what you got. The picture may escape your attention, so with an effort of will, bring it back. Thus, at the same time you need to tap on the surface and observe the rain. If you started with the first option, after a few lessons you can proceed to the second option. I would like to note that each position of this exercise is scientifically substantiated. This is a fusion of emotional-imaginative psychotherapy and EMDR. For a long time I practiced these two directions separately. However, by combining them together, it was possible to obtain much more effective results when working with difficult emotional states. I wish you harmony and peace of mind!
