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Previous parts on my page. They cast the inner child and the inner woman. And today I would like to talk about the main protector of the inner family - the inner man or father of our inner family. In the archetypal name - Animus. How it manifests itself ⬇️ We are born from a man and from a woman: from dad and mom. And they pass on not only their genes, but also certain characteristics, their experience and connection with previous generations. The real dad lays down the main features of the Animus. And it forms the inner support, the inner core of a person. But whether he is strong or weak, we need to study his experience. If a girl has a strong protective inner man, she has excellent self-esteem, easily achieves goals, has healthy relationships with the opposite sex. She may also experience sadness, fear, disappointment. But she doesn't get stuck in these emotions. She has the resources to move on. And more often than not, such a girl’s dad was close to the ideal father of the family. And thus, he passed on his qualities to his daughter’s inner man. She grew up feeling safe and protected. If the animus is weak, the girl is more often in anxiety and doubt. She doubts her worth and finds it difficult to create a harmonious relationship. Even if she strives to change her life, it is very difficult for her to leave her usual position. Such a girl most often had a weak real dad. Maybe he was addicted to alcohol or was suppressed by female power and control. For example, he was a good dad, but the “head of the family” was still his mother. But even if dad was weak, this does not mean that the inner man cannot be strengthened. By living through various practices, you can nurture your inner man and activate your protector. By revealing and strengthening the inner man, we strengthen ourselves and reveal our femininity. It's as if there was a man nearby who cared, was attentive, and kind to you. Being with such a man, a woman opens up very quickly. She feels like a desirable, beautiful, feminine woman. Let me remind you that we will do all this in the three-week course “The Charm of Femininity,” which starts on March 7. Training that can replace self-esteem therapy. Details about the training on my page.
