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Many people say that they see or feel angels. They feel their presence as some higher light creatures that help us live, cope with difficulties, make the main choice... Angels protect us from rash actions, from dangerous situations, from encounters with the enemy... And then we can fall, but not fall; we are in a hurry, but we are late for the fateful flight, although we hate being late; we don’t get into a meeting with a person who, as it turns out, is a fraudster... How to explain such things? A random coincidence of non-random events or the help of a guardian angel who, invisible to us, lives next to us and protects, warns, prevents...? Is it a coincidence that a person who sees that a collision with a truck is inevitable and nothing can be done, suddenly some invisible force helps turn the steering wheel in such a way that it saves him from death? And flashes of white light that suddenly appear in the dark? Are these the footprints of an angel? And where is he himself? We don’t see him, but he often supports us, instructs us, pushes us away from danger... And then we feel him with our inner instinct, we are convinced, building a logical chain of events, that there is a good wizard, and he is nearby during the day and at night...Mysticism? But how can we explain the numerous cases in our lives when trouble is inevitable, the diagnosis is fatal, a crash is inevitable... and what if an invisible hand averts the misfortune, changes the diagnosis, cancels the crash? We ask higher powers for help - a caring angel responds, comes, gives strength, guides us on the right path, protects us from danger... Some of us believe, wait and see our angel nearby, others - at the mention of him, they twist their finger at their temple, they say, some kind of abnormality. Each of us decides for himself whether he believes or not, whether he has an angel or not. But when a difficult moment comes in life, we all begin to pray to higher powers for help, assistance, advice... And we often get what we ask for... And it is not for nothing that the people have developed a good tradition of honoring their angels, increasing the memory of them, thanking them for the wonderful transformations...What do you, dear reader, think about the presence of angels? I definitely have him in my life, I know him, I feel him, I love him and I thank him! A short video, it seems to me, is on topic: Subscribe, come back more often, share your opinion !It’s easy to sign up for a consultation: by calling 89170252242 (Whatsapp, Telegram) or on the B17 website. All the best to you! Sincerely, Natalia Fomina, psychologist, author of relaxation programs, etc. https://vk.com/psihologicheskapomoch
