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“I have apathy, I don’t want to do anything, I don’t have the strength. I can’t even bring myself to clean the apartment and wash the dishes,” from the client’s monologue. This kind of mood, according to my observations, is far from uncommon among many people around me. What's the matter here? There are many reasons for this situation. Some are sure that the roots of the problem are in the general economic situation, they say, the crisis negatively affects the psychological health of the population, maybe there is some truth in this, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. Often we have to deal with the fact that people begin to absolve themselves of any responsibility for what happens to them. At the same time, I begin to very actively accept the position of a victim, and at such moments they really need to expose their helplessness to others. This is done in order to cause a sting. Each of us has an inner child who, from time to time, needs to be pitied, but that’s not the point here. A person in such a situation is very afraid of condemnation and uses pity as a means of defense. Indeed, who can say something harsh and unflattering to someone who evokes only sympathy with his entire appearance? Of course, there are cases when people find themselves in difficult situations and need support, but more often the reason for such behavior is completely different. In life, sometimes a situation occurs when a person is faced with certain circumstances that, to put it mildly, tire him, and this is repeated with enviable consistency. A person tries to change this somehow, but over time he comes to the conclusion that all his efforts are in vain. /moreover, this is not done entirely sincerely, but as if for show/ And first comes disappointment, then laziness, and then apathy. Experiences are inevitable in the lives of any of us, but our attitude towards them can greatly affect our lives as a whole. To avoid depressive moods or to prevent them from taking over your thoughts, your own body may well help, albeit to a small extent. Remember what a sad and disappointed person looks like? Among the answers to this question there will probably be the following expressions: hunched shoulders, lowered head, looking at your feet, breathing quickly and not deeply. If you learn to control your body position, you can use this to regulate your condition and mood. This skill is inherent in us by nature itself, we just need to remember it, of course it’s not easy, but only at the very beginning. If we remember how we all learned to walk, then it becomes clear why we know this, because despite all the falls, we continued to try to move in a horizontal position))) Our condition directly depends on the physiological processes that occur in our body, so , correct posture greatly influences these processes. Remember the military parade, with what expression on the faces of the soldiers, in what position are their bodies? Their shoulders are pulled back, their gaze is slightly upward, their breathing is deep. They evoke pride in their appearance, and the thought involuntarily comes to mind that nothing can stop such young men. Remember, the position of your body, how you breathe, and where your gaze is directed largely determines your internal state and mood. Train yourself, despite various troubles, to maintain correct posture and gradually many problems will cease to worry you, since your attitude towards them will change. Start right now, pick yourself up, stand with your shoulders back, straight, look a little higher than usual and walk around the room! It will be more difficult for apathy to take hold of you if you hold your head high! Live with joy! PS You can sign up for an online consultation with me here http://medved-plus.ru/consult/PS2 I have a gift for you, a small guide to developing self-confidence. You can download it for free using this link http://medved-plus.ru/free-exempl/
