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Andragogy (gr. ἀνήρ anér - adult, man; ἄγειν ágein - to lead) is a section of learning theory that reveals specific patterns of mastering knowledge and skills by an adult subject of educational activity, as well as the features of the management of this activity by a professional teacher. The concept of “andragogy” was introduced into scientific use in 1833 by the German historian of pedagogy Alexander Kapp[1]. In recent decades, attention to andragogy has been constantly increasing due to the increase in society both in the need and in the possibility of multiple (continuous) advanced training, retraining or even a change of profession for working citizens, as well as opportunities and needs for training and retraining of adults in connection with increased cultural demands, awareness of the need for feasible training and learning new things as a component of a healthy lifestyle, etc., in connection with which courses are opened and even faculties for training not only adult working citizens, but also pensioners. Training of adults is very different from the theory of teaching children in that the usual methodological schemes for motivation, retention in memory and, moreover, synthesizing acquired skills into real life are different, taking into account age characteristics and level formation of personal characteristics. Both physical and mental. Therefore, in order to work with clients who have a desire to learn something, it is important for a psychologist to be fully armed. Human development ends only after his physical death. Therefore, processes of change occur with every person at any second. In this case, learning new things can be woven like a canvas into the everyday pattern of life. The less intrusiveness and complexity, the faster the resistance to new habits, skills and abilities goes away. Neural connections are fixed in positive soil, like plants in a fertilized and well-groomed sunny place. Motivation is the accelerator and enhancer of learning that can turn a program into turbo mode. The goal is achieved more easily, the competencies remain with the person for life, integrating into all areas of his life. In addition to motivation, it is necessary to use incentives. Any pleasant surprise, both emotional and material, turns on a toggle switch in a person’s desire to repeat it again and again. As a result, it is doing something you love, which brings satisfaction to a person. In addition to stimulation and motivation, you need to remember consistency. One day of absence can set you back. And for some, this rollback may become a regression. For each person, a professional can draw up an individual development plan based on in-depth psychological diagnostics. The benefits of such scientifically based material are obvious. And the most important thing in this regard is the right to your own model, taking into account the spontaneity and creative activity of the client. This is the most progressive, flexible and effective learning new things. Contact professional psychologists if you want to improve your life. Viber, WhatsApp 89271287007 Yakovenko Galina.
