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From the author: about choosing, about traveling and applying new identified objects to the landscape of their soul. EVERYONE CHOOSES FOR HIMSELF. Let each spiritual wound of the sufferer find its own healer and shed light on it! And he will give it to the world! When I think about my work with patients, I feel that this profession has chosen me and I want to serve it, learn, open, heal spiritual wounds. She inspires me and amazes me! It inspires, excites, surprises me with its depth and inexhaustible storehouses of the human soul. This is mutual love, it seems to me, because I open up to my calling, and it gives birth to me as an analyst. For some it is accomplished, for others it is not. I can admit that without emotional resonance, response, analysis and psychotherapy would not take place. Trust, joint search, attunement to each other and the courage of my patients allow us to go through crises, giving birth to new meanings in life and their turns along the way. We open the doors to understanding ourselves and the world, our purpose on this earth, which perhaps goes beyond human destiny. Two wise expressions are very important and define my analytical practice. The first “Medice, cura te ipsum!” was written down on the university blackboard in Latin at the first lecture on the Old Church Slavonic language back in 1995 by teacher of ancient languages ​​Valentina Pavlovna Sanzharova. Then my heart sank and I thought, is this where I belong? While studying Old Church Slavonic and historical grammar, especially the phonetic structure and vocabulary of ancient languages, one had to turn one’s ear into the tree of Slavic speech, its tradition, culture, and identity. And it was impossible to comprehend the language by making only mental efforts; here it was necessary to sense it with the heart, with all the fibers and feelings, touching its nuances and sound. Study the history of the people to understand what underlies the language. Based on its peculiarities, traditions, area of ​​residence, its language acquired full or partial consonance, sonority of consonants, reduction of vowels, sound and spelling of various lexical forms of words - homophones, homographs, homonyms; the use of tropes and allegorical expressions - metaphors, metonymies, synonyms, antonyms, paraphrases, inversions, hyperboles and litotes, phraseological units and phrases; intonation and rhyme-forming structures... Feelings, and then only understanding, made it possible to penetrate into the guts of the language. Valentina Pavlovna discovered the ability to hear and listen. This is her gift to me! A gift without which healing is impossible, without which psychotherapy is impossible. Now I understand that that painstaking and unbearable work of studying the Old Church Slavonic language was done in the name of the future, it taught me to feel and penetrate into the essence of things first with my heart and then with my mind. She allowed me to understand the meaning of that metaphor in Latin - “Physician, heal yourself!” And this became a turning point on the path to the profession. Lyudmila Ivanovna Reshetova, Olga Borisovna Bushnyakova, talented culturologists, teachers and art theorists! Thanks to them, I explored the world of culture, defended my thesis on the art of the High Renaissance in Italy, continuing to discover within myself this sensual heart organ for learning about life, which is so necessary in my wonderful craft! Studying philosophy, mythology, literature, art and alchemy, I became more and more immersed in the hidden meanings of forms, texts, ancient stories, the processes of the Great Work - opus - on the creation of the soul, connecting both feeling and reason together. What a magical work this is! How much pleasure, inspiration, passion it brings! Everything led me to the path of psychotherapy! Then, at the age of 19, my first book on psychology was “Memories, Dreams and Reflections” by Carl Jung. How spiritually close this sage became to me! Reading his biography, I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was sometimes written from me. It’s as if his ideas had been lived through by me for a long time and here, in the book, they were again identified and recognized. I caught myself feeling that something secret was happening,amazing thing that medieval alchemists called “mystical participation.” Truly, everything coincided then and came together at one point - emotional, spiritual, lived. And then I realized that I wanted to get to know this wise man better, I wanted to read all his works... And as soon as a translation of his book caught my eye, I immediately grabbed it and read it avidly. There were only six works of Jung, translated into Russian at that time. It was 1998, 10 years since psychoanalysis began to revive in Russia, needless to say, there were so catastrophically few books by Jung, and even more so in Tula. They had to be looked for, like Aladdin’s wonderful lamp! And their habitat expanded - in Tula there was one second-hand bookstore, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg - stores where Jung’s books, published in small editions, could still be bought! And the search was worth it! His books were a meeting place with my soul! I knew that I wanted to study his method, I decided that I would start studying psychology and it would become my profession. Later, having devoted years to studying the theory of psychopathology, psychiatry, clinical psychology and diagnostics, I felt that something most important was missing a link that could collect all knowledge into a single meaning that goes beyond the diagnosis. A meaning that could spiritualize everything, breathe life into scientific theories. And it was during that period, having already been working as a psychologist for a long time, that I heard again about my calling. One day, while cooking something in the kitchen, I was listening to a TV show out of the corner of my ear. Suddenly I was struck by words that spoke of the numenous, archetypal, and intimate nature of life. I turned up the volume and couldn’t tear myself away from the screen. I felt that once I heard something similar, which left me with a feeling of awe, recognition of myself, which sank into my soul. Who is this amazing person who talks so simply about the soul? The running line quickly flashed: “Lev Hegai, Jungian analyst, rector of the C. G. Jung Institute.” I quickly found some piece of paper and with a stub of a pencil imprinted this name into my memory. From that moment on, I knew the name of what I wanted to devote myself to - “Jungian analysis”. And I began my search by storming the Internet. I found a seminar in Moscow “Introduction to Jungian psychology” and went to it, believing that there I would learn better where to learn this and from whom. And so it happened! At the seminar, I learned about the upcoming First International Conference on Depth Psychology and Jungian Analysis, heard the names of Khegai, Raevsky (at that time there were only two internationally recognized analysts in Russia) and all the way back home I just thought that there, at the conference, I definitely need be. It must be! I found the announcement of the conference on the website of the Moscow Association of Analytical Psychology, registered, collected all the money and rushed off! Everything worked out! 2007 The first international conference on analytical psychology in Russia, in Moscow and I’m at it! I'm on it! I couldn’t believe that I was here at this historical event! And now Lev Khegai, Stanislav Raevsky is reading the report, and here is a galaxy of analysts who were analyzed by Jung’s first analysands - Marie-Louise von Franz, Hillman, Mario Jacobi - Susan Short, Gert Sauer, Penny Pickles, Angela Connolly, James Hollis! And Murray Stein himself is here - the president of the IAAP. I see these legends with my own eyes, I listen to their reports, I pinch myself, not believing that I could find myself here! This was my initiation into Jungianism, into my analytical family. There was an acquaintance with Lev Khegai and the joy of the fact that it turns out that all dreams can be realized over time, and training is possible, and that I can do it - mentally and financially! And having taken my path, Jungianism led me. And I walk along it, joyfully, sadly, inspired, and overcoming milestones - everything, just like in life. But when you are on your path, no matter what, no matter how slow or fast I walk, I know that everything is right, this is my choice, and there is no speed for it - it is a process that brings pleasure while moving. There are stops along the way where more time is given to realize
