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From the author: Each person, consciously or unconsciously, lives his own personal life scenario, which he himself wrote. According to the theory of K.G. Jung, the collective unconscious contains the basic patterns of behavior, which at one time were reflected in ancient Greek myths. This correspondence is not accidental; in life, scenes from myths are constantly played out, which were also created in the process of observing life. A person, as a rule, combines up to three archetypes, sometimes they complement each other, and then we talk about a harmonious personality, but this is not always the case: it happens that archetypes counteract or even interfere with each other, then an intrapersonal conflict or other problems of this kind. Archetypes represent instincts, a type of thinking, reaction, characteristics of perception and values, attitudes and rules by which a person builds his life. Naturally, all these factors lead to logical results and achievements in life. Thus, the life script is written by the man himself, therefore the saying that there is neither good nor bad, it all depends on how you approach it, is confirmed. This article offers a description of male archetypes in the context of interaction in everyday life. International Scientific Research -practical conference “Practical psychology in the interdisciplinary aspect: problems and prospects”, Dnipropetrovsk, Dnipropetrovsk Humanitarian University, 15-16 June 2008. – Dnipropetrovsk, DSU, 2008. Gods are people too: Archetypes of the Olympic gods as life scenarios for modern men. Each person, consciously or unconsciously, lives his own personal life scenario, which he himself wrote. According to the theory of K.G. Jung, the collective unconscious contains the basic patterns of behavior, which at one time were reflected in ancient Greek myths. This correspondence is not accidental; scenes from myths are constantly played out in life, which were also created in the process of observing life. In a person, as a rule, up to three archetypes are combined, sometimes they complement each other, and then we talk about a harmonious personality, but so this does not always happen, it happens that archetypes oppose or even interfere with each other, then intrapersonal conflict or other problems of all kinds may arise. Archetypes represent instincts, type of thinking, reactions, characteristics of perception and values, attitudes and rules by which a person builds his life. Naturally, all these factors lead to logical results and achievements in life. Thus, the life script is written by the man himself, therefore the saying that there is neither good nor bad, it all depends on how you approach it, is confirmed. This article offers a description of male archetypes in the context of interaction in everyday life. Zeus Archetype – This is a self-confident person, as a rule, has a certain authority and is inclined to manage people. The main direction of the energy of such men is the desire to own their territory (their kingdom). Such men strive to create a kingdom that is embodied by the family, as a system of children, as its continuation, and a career as a symbol of its recognition in society. The Zeus archetype is the image of a patriarchal man; he is the head of the family, chooses a wife who will look after the house and raise children, he also plays the role of ruler and watches from the side. Such men strive for power, so they seek leadership positions or open their own business. Zeus has intelligence and foresight in business, but he is not able to contemplate his feelings and does not care about the feelings of others. He simply goes towards his goals, and when he achieves them, he sets a new goal. In relationships with women, he also positions himself as a strategist. For Zeus, prestige and social position are important, since he believes that this is the basis of his attractiveness; when choosing a woman, he developsplan to conquer it. He is attracted to women who admire and submit to him, his leadership qualities are so strong that he strives to manage both at work and in the family. For such a Zeus, men are rivals and participants in his game. He has few obvious enemies. Zeus again proves himself to be a good strategist and talented diplomat. Such people constantly enter into agreements and have strong business intuition. However, Zeus lacks sensual intuition: he does not accept or understand insubordination or disagreement. Poseidon Archetype - This archetype represents emotions that are often suppressed by men due to social stereotypes. Such men have strong feelings, these are vivid feelings and emotions, joy, sadness, anger, fear are present in full, but a person cannot always express them. The Poseidon man, just like Zeus, strives to gain strength and his possessions, but Poseidon lacks composure and strategic thinking, he is hampered by violent emotionality. Such men are very emotional, experience their own feelings vividly and for a long time; this archetype is often suppressed, since in modern culture it is believed that a man should be dispassionate. He is interested in everything that is new and allows his emotions to open up. High switchability of attention interferes with the achievement of plans, and constantly choosing new goals, Poseidon rarely achieves them. In interactions with women, patriarchal instincts prevail; Poseidon seeks to dominate a woman, simply because he is a man. He is attracted to calm, soft and patient women who are able to accept his emotionality. Plunging into the world of his own emotions, he may not notice the emotions of others. Vivid manifestations of emotions are not always perceived by others. It is difficult for Poseidon to compete in modern society because he does not develop strategies for behavior and achieving goals, but is guided by momentary emotions. Such men are successfully realized as actors and in other creative professions. Hades as an archetype - This archetype really, according to myth, lives in a completely closed space, it seems to reflect everything that happens, but only deep in the subconscious. A man in whom this archetype is strong is, as a rule, immersed in himself, but not in his experiences, but in his world; he is simply not present in society. Other men, as a rule, do not see him as a strong opponent. He is prone to monotonous life and actions; an introvert by nature, he rarely pays attention to his appearance and, as a rule, he does not care about the opinions of others. The main problem of such a man is to be accepted and achieve success in society. It is difficult for him to adapt; to succeed in life, such a man needs the help of other archetypes. Men with a strong Hades archetype have a very unique outlook on life, they have extremely developed intuition, they are often sensual - intuitive according to Jung's classification. They subtly feel the people and events around them, although they do not express emotions, they happen inside - a whirlwind of emotions and an analysis of their own feelings at the same time. Relationships with women are also built on the basis of an introverted view of life. It is difficult for such a man to build communication; he does not create his own image and does not look for partners; his relationships are built on the basis of sensations, a “dialogue of souls.” The slightest events leave a deep imprint on his soul for a long time. Therefore, there are few women in his life. Relationships with men are also built on the basis of his worldview. For him, belonging to a company does not matter; he is self-sufficient in his loneliness; as a rule, such a person has several friends who accept his isolation and detachment from the world. Such people can be successful if they realize that they are “not like everyone else” and develop other archetypes within themselves, create their own image and learn to present their inner world. The Apollo archetype is an outwardly harmonious and pleasant person to communicate with. Men in whom the Apollo archetype is strong rely on their thinking, love precision and order, preferexternal events to their own feelings, objectively assess the situation and rarely use subjective impressions. As a rule, such men are successful in their careers and are generally in demand in society. Such a man has logical thinking, sets realistic goals for himself and knows how to achieve them. Although he has every opportunity to achieve high results, he lacks ambition, he simply lives comfortably for himself. Despite all the well-being of Apollo, he lacks sensory experience, he simply distances himself from other people's emotions and feelings and even tries not to look into his own inner world, this can provoke problems with others. Apollo lives with his mind, not his heart in all areas of life, even building a relationship with a woman, these relationships are quite practical. Typically, such a man is drawn to strong and independent women, in whom he sees interest rather than passion, although he subconsciously strives to control them. Apollo does not experience deep emotions and in relationships with a woman there is an element of rivalry; common interests or professions play a decisive role in the “decision to fall in love.” An alliance with an active woman with the same ideas can be successful. On the other hand, all these qualities and habits deprive the relationship of passion and emotional depth, and this often becomes the reason for the end of the relationship. Apollo is a born diplomat, he, as a rule, communicates well with men, works well in a team, knows how to find a compromise solution, since he values communicating with people. These qualities allow him to have a diverse social circle and maintain the objective rivalry inherent in Apollo. The Hermes archetype is an archetype that symbolizes mental alertness, talent for communication, and the ability to act quickly. Often the development of Hermes is determined by the need to compete with an older brother or sister. A man in whom Hermes is the leading archetype cannot be tied to one thing; he is constantly on the move. Such a man has a sharp mind and constantly changes his life, getting carried away each time by new ideas, situations and people. A typical Hermes strives to get “everything at once”, since his interests are changeable, his life path also has many scenarios. He is not interested in the opinions of others and does not need a team, but at the same time he needs communication. This is a man “without roots”, he easily changes his life dramatically. If he finds an interesting activity for himself, he can achieve mastery in this activity and become successful, but if nothing captivates him, then all his talents and abilities will remain unrealized, he will remain an eternal traveler. In contrast to those Hermes who show many productive talents in their youth in the real world, among the carriers of this archetype there are also those who are deeply immersed in spiritual, philosophical or psychological research. Hermes is so versatile that it is difficult to imagine what might captivate him. The inconstancy of Hermes is all-encompassing, it is a kind of psychological lightness and a complete absence of emotions and feelings, in his mental reality there is only interest and a momentary desire to achieve a newly set goal. He builds relationships with people instantly, in a conversation with a woman he radiates charm, mystery, and is an excellent speaker , he is able to create an unforgettable impression of himself, but, unfortunately, due to his superficiality, he forgets about one woman, barely notices another woman, or simply because of the next changes, he does not think about the feelings of a woman. Hermes has many different acquaintances, but not friends, there are people who consider him their friend, he is generous and cheerful with them, but, as a rule, no one suspects his feelings, sometimes even himself. The Ares archetype is a reactive archetype. This is the type of emotional men who live “here and now”; they feel life, live by instincts, all emotions will immediately react in the outside world without thinking about the consequences. Due to such uncontrollability of emotions, such a person has little control over himself, and much in his life dependsdepends on whether others accept him. It is difficult for such a man to make plans and even more difficult to stick to them; his innate qualities: impulsiveness, aggressiveness, physical activity, emotionality and sexuality manifest themselves very clearly and in his youth can either give the key to success or destroy his life. It is unusual for Ares to look at himself from the outside; he lives instincts and is not able to perceive feelings that are not his own or those of others, this can cause many problems. Despite his eccentricity, Ares can be affectionate and courteous with women, preferring to physically express his sympathy. This is a passionate man who gives himself completely to physical intimacy: sex, dance and even a meal together can turn into a fireworks display of emotions. Ares is attracted to women who are as emotional as himself. Such harmony in the chaos of passions is comfortable for both of them. Ares is friendly towards women, but not all women accept his openness and emotionality. Men subject to this archetype like to spend time in the company of friends, talking about general topics and playing sports. For Ares, recognition as a man is important. This person suffers loneliness very painfully, he needs male company. Archetype Hephaestus - The man of the Hephaestus archetype is a very introverted and anxious person. Such a person lives in the grip of deep emotions, but does not know how to express his feelings verbally. This is a creative person, it is difficult for others to understand him, he accumulates all the joys and grievances within himself, the only way for Hephaestus to communicate with the outside world is through art or some kind of craft with which he expresses his feelings. This archetype feels the collective unconscious to the maximum, Hephaestus practically lives in images and is little attracted to the outside world, he does not know how to behave according to the rules of society and does not strive to make acquaintances. Since such men are by nature sensitive and vulnerable, according to the laws of harmony they are drawn to strong and independent women who are able to understand the depth of his experiences, and can make a connection between his world and reality. His feelings are always very deep, even without a real connection with the lady of his heart, he can relive the moment of their fleeting meeting for a long time, without striving to develop the relationship. A man in whom such an archetype is present always seems to be watching what is happening, he never becomes part of the company and there are a number of reasons for this: Firstly, Hephaestus is an introvert; communication is difficult for him and causes a lot of stress. Secondly, he does not perceive pressure from a group or a specific authority that requires precise execution of tasks. If such a man finds a way to demonstrate his feelings, understands them and tries to develop patterns of more extroverted archetypes, most likely he will take a comfortable place in life. The Dionysus archetype is a rather controversial archetype, since it combines sublime, almost mystical, qualities and at the same time he is characterized by completely earthly experiences. Such contradictions can provoke both intrapersonal conflict and conflicts with society. Dionysus is an extroverted and emotional personality. How productive such a man will be in life largely depends on the strength of his ego. Such a man is prone to affective experiences, his emotions are unstable. A Dionysus man is easy to recognize because he is always restless, strives to change everything, and has some exaggerated traits: he can behave defiantly, be feminine, or try to be too attractive, which also causes mistrust. Dionysus is always extravagant, his image is bright, catchy things that attract everyone's attention, his behavior is childish. Such a man fails to be “like everyone else,” he does not join the team, although he often still manages to provoke change. If a person tries to suppress this archetype in himself due to the rules of religion or family, he may have emotional breakdowns. Emotional.
