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From the author: Mozhenkova Yu.S., published: “Planet of Childhood” magazine, Irkutsk, May, No. 4 (52), 2012. The warm time has come... Gentle sun, emerald grass, birds trills, exams... The last word, most likely, will make many change their peacefully smiling expression on their face to a depressed, melancholy one. The joy of anticipation of hot summer days is overshadowed every year by thousands of schoolchildren of all ages, students, as well as their caring parents. Is it really all about a series of tests called exams?.. Or maybe it’s the stress that goes hand in hand with them?.. Let’s figure it out. Any exam inevitably has a significant impact on a person. Intense mental activity, disruption of sleep and rest patterns and, mainly, emotional experiences lead to overstrain of the nervous system. Stress is an absolutely normal reaction of the body. Light emotional outbursts are even beneficial for a person, they have a positive effect on performance, mobilize reserves and enhance mental strength activity. But excessive emotional stress often has the opposite effect. The reason for this is, first of all, a personal attitude towards the event. Therefore, it is important to form an adequate perception of the situation. It will help children wisely distribute their energy to prepare and pass the exam, and parents will help their children to provide the right help. For those taking it. At the moment X, exams seem to be the most significant event, but from the point of view of the rest of their lives, they are just a solution to another life task. Keep everything in perspective. Exams can serve as a means of self-affirmation and increasing personal self-esteem. Think of it as the realization of your little cherished goal. Even if your achievements do not always coincide with the conceived ideal, they are your personal, real ones. “He is not mistaken who does nothing,” says the old Russian proverb. It is necessary to tune in specifically to success, and not to the fear of mistakes. This is important. Phrases that it is advisable to say as often as possible (not necessarily out loud) help with this: “I am calm, balanced, self-confident”, “I easily remember what I read”, “I am successful in learning”, “everything works out for me” “,” “I am able to solve any problem,” “I achieve everything I want,” etc. These are only examples, based on which you can come up with your own options. The main condition is an affirmative positive phrase in the present tense, without negative particles not and neither. For parents, due to experience, it is much easier for an adult to cope with anxiety at crucial moments. Therefore, make every effort not to worry about your child, but to remain calm and share this state with him. Remember, the child needs, first of all, your support. During the exam period, the main task of parents is to create optimal conditions for preparing the child (from the workplace before the diet). Do not intimidate the child, do not remind him of the complexity and responsibility of the upcoming tests. This does not increase motivation, but only creates emotional barriers that will be difficult for your child to overcome. Adjust your child’s expectations. It is important to explain that for a good result it is not at all necessary to know everything 100%. It is much more effective to calmly complete those tasks that you know for sure than to worry about unresolved ones. If a failure occurs, do not make a tragedy out of it. Life goes on! On the path to “adulthood” you may encounter a variety of difficulties. Support the child, show that he is not walking along the road of self-determination alone. This feeling will give him confidence in his abilities. Don’t get tired of repeating that regardless of the exam results, your child is always the most beloved, and that he will succeed in everything in life!
