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What are the first associations that come to your mind when you hear the word “Aggression”? - Conflicts? Scandals? Violence? It’s unlikely that you think about something good when you hear this word). Now let’s understand what it really is. Aggression is the energy of a person! Moreover, it is not at all necessary that this energy is destructive. Aggression is not only about massacres, murders and crime). Almost any action to express oneself in society is an aggressive act. For example, speaking in public is aggression. At this moment, a person presents himself to others, he expresses his opinion on any issue, conditionally he invades the information space of another person. Participating in competitions, even in checkers, is aggression, competition is competition and a conflict of interests. When you apply for a vacancy, this is also aggression. Now a few words about sex - this is also an inherently aggressive act, even if everything is done in love and very tenderly). These examples serve to describe the versatility of aggression. Man is aggressive by nature, at least in not dying, in not giving up, in wanting and striving to satisfy needs, going towards goals, achieving or taking. There is only no aggression a corpse has no energy or life in general. As long as a person is alive, he will have an aggressive impulse that will manifest itself into the world. Our aggressive impulse, by and large, has only two options for exit: outward, or towards himself (but one does not exclude the other). About external manifestation, more or less clear, we have just discussed its spectrum, from absolutely socially acceptable things, competition, performance, sex, to completely antisocial manifestations associated with violence and destruction. As we all know, external is always a manifestation of internal, therefore it is much more interesting what Internal aggression is and its manifestation - auto-aggression. Auto-aggression is a complete or partial reversal of an aggressive impulse towards its owner. In this case, there is no need to talk about any creative component of aggression. From this constant anger at oneself (conscious or not), a person can achieve a lot in business, making money, career or sports, but this will be at the cost of his own physical and mental health . These achievements will not bring a real feeling of fullness, joy and happiness, and the emptiness inside will only expand. Why does aggression turn towards its owner? Because in childhood, such a person could not express aggression towards his parents or their substitute figures. Parents could not stand the child’s aggression, suppressing any manifestation of it in every possible way, causing the child to feel shame, guilt and fear of punishment. In such families, the topic of aggression is always taboo, no discussion of this topic is always avoided, because - “Well, how Is it even possible to be angry with the people closest to you??? It’s unthinkable, you can’t do that!” Or the child has internalized an attitude that tells him that he cannot be himself, this is weakness, he must be someone else, but being himself is unacceptable. As a result, the child understands that he cannot accept himself, he must play the role of someone, he must not be angry at all, or anger needs to be shifted from a real object (at whom one is angry) to someone else, for example to oneself, thereby devaluing oneself and one’s feelings. The reality is that the most important thing in life is to live in peace with oneself, that is, to accept your real self, not someone’s fictitious self. It's completely normal to be angry and express your feelings! This is inherent in our nature, feelings cannot be prohibited, without them we are no longer people, but biorobots. Just of course, the expression of anger should be “healthy”. There is a huge misconception among many people, the essence of which is that aggression and conflicts destroy relationships, but the truth is the opposite - anger and the conflicts that accompany it, when handled correctly (consciously), They only make us closer, and literally, the distance is reduced. Relationships become stronger. What consequences may there be
