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From the author: Mini-test for self-test Financial literacy begins with answers to a number of questions that previously there was no time (desires, needs) to think about. In my classes on personal finance, I give homework that allows participants to gain a deeper understanding of their financial life and “push” their boundaries - to look beyond the usual horizon. This time I asked participants to answer the following 5 questions: 1) Why is real estate the worst investment? Because renting an apartment rent brings little money, but requires a lot of time and investment. You need to find tenants, move them in, make repairs after the previous ones... and tenants can steal something, break something, not pay... Perhaps commercial real estate is more profitable in terms of income, but the costs will also be higher. 2) What financial instruments always generate income? I think that these are only bank deposits in a reliable bank. But if we take into account inflation, then this income turns out to be very small.3) Why do you need to keep daily records of income and expenses? Firstly, in order to know how much money is earned and which sources of income (if there are several of them) are more profitable.In -secondly, to know where and how much money is spent. And further optimize your expenses. 4) Who is your authority on the topic of investment? Now you. There used to be Robert Kiyosaki, and my husband and I dreamed of investing in real estate. But we don’t want to do it that way anymore.5) Where will you live in 20 years? My husband and I want to live in the south of Russia, near the sea. In a beautiful well-kept house with a swimming pool and a garden, in a prestigious area, surrounded by developed, successful and positive neighbors. Elena 1) About real estate. Why is this the worst investment? I don't know. I dream of purchasing my own home so that I can finally stop rushing around in rented apartments. Although, I somehow sat and counted. Over the 15 years that we have been renting apartments, we have already spent about two million rubles. If we take out a mortgage, it will cost 3-4 times more over the same period. It's also a pity. I am already silent about the need to invest in repairs and support of housing and utilities. It is not yet possible to buy housing with your own money. If real estate is the worst investment, then what should you do? Don’t buy your own housing and land, and constantly wander? What about old age? Someday the body will malfunction, and it will be difficult to rush around, you will want peace... I am one of those who loves change. Changing housing every three years is not a problem for me. But the family suffers. This is a constant hassle of dragging furniture, adaptation, etc. You want stability, no matter how you look at it. 2) What financial instruments always generate income? I don’t know. I thought maybe it was gold? It always increases in price. But at the same time, if unforeseen moments arise (war, natural disasters, etc.), where will I put this gold? Maybe I’m too worried about this issue, I agree. What else could it be? Bank deposits? I heard something about pithas, but I don’t understand them yet. Lend money at interest? A dubious instrument for me. 3) Why do you need to keep daily records of income and expenses? To see where these holes are into which money flows. Analyze and control expenses. Optimize them. I know that you can save a huge amount of money on cigarettes alone (if you quit smoking). And an irrational approach to costs is always noticeable if you see the statistics. I know that I can buy potatoes a block away at half the price, but sometimes I’m too lazy to go. Laziness sometimes comes at a cost. I think accounting will clearly reveal hidden opportunities. Sobering. I've kept records so many times, but I keep giving up. Discipline needs to be developed.4) Who is my authority on the topic of investment? I don’t know, there is no one. For now I only trust you. I don’t know why yet either. I learned about you from a book. Something stuck. 5) Where will I live in 20 years? This question is related to the first one. If real estate is the worst investment, then a nomadic lifestyle will lead you to God knows where. My dream and goal is my own house near Finnish
