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Have you ever had:× oh, I’m embarrassed to undress in front of my partner;× the mirror opposite the bed is wow, I can see myself there;× it’s better in the dark;× he [she] is so handsome, but I’m not so handsome, he [she] he won’t like it with me; he’ll lower his hand, and there are my thighs! [ribs, chest, belly] If yes, then you know well what shame is. Shame is a regulating emotion, which means it is very unpleasant. And in order not to experience this unpleasant shame, we begin to avoid situations that cause it - losing weight/fatness, not turning on the light, or even refusing cupcakes. And where does it come from? Everything is as usual: emotions come from thoughts, and thoughts come from beliefs .In this case, for us to feel ashamed and start avoiding cupcakes, two beliefs must coincide: 1. Cupcake is only for beautiful people. This belief has been formed over the years - through films, books and other content that we consume. Remember all the films and TV series you have seen. Only people of a certain type eat cupcakes there - with such and such bodies, such and such faces, and preferably also wearing makeup, so that the type of face is as close as possible to the “ideal” one. And if the rest of us get a cupcake, then what kind of cupcake do they have? -it’s funny, absurd, and it would be better if it didn’t exist at all than like this. What conclusion does the brain make? That’s right: cupcake is only for beautiful people [meeting certain standards]2. I am ugly. This belief is formed by the same content + social environment, when from every iron they show us what beautiful legs are, and then they say that ours are not like that. Not so = ugly = fix it or leave it alone. So, get ready, now there will be the most effective alchemical recipe for abstinence: Take the “cupcake only for the beautiful”, add a pinch of “I’m ugly”, wait for it to take hold... And voila! We won’t have a cupcake anymore! And if we do, it will be seasoned with a bunch of rules and a bag of burning shame. What to do? Work with beliefs and normalize your body image. The phrases are quite general. If I get around to it, I’ll write out the action plan in more detail later. In the meantime, let it be just a “reflection on the topic”) You can get to know me better on my website
