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Nowadays the term abuse has become fashionable, used on almost every corner. If we turn to the interpretation of the word, then abuse is violence against a loved one. And violence, as we know, exists not only physical, but also psychological, sexual and economic. In violence, there is always an Aggressor, and there is a Victim. It is usually accepted that the aggressor is most often a man, however, women often play this role. I have always wondered what the Victim is looking for in such a relationship? What pushes a person to be in such a relationship? I believe the picture below will show what beliefs force the Victim to be close to the Aggressor. Toxic relationships are slow-acting poison. “Jokes” that disguise humiliation, regular psychological and emotional abuse, manipulation of feelings of guilt or debt - these are all clear markers of an unhealthy relationship . Sometimes these things are accepted as normal, but try to address your emotional reactions. The body will not deceive you. How do you feel when you are in a relationship with this person? If there is a lot of anxiety and fear, then you should think about it. You cannot tolerate such behavior from your partner. After all, silent acceptance of such an attitude towards oneself can and, unfortunately, often leads to physical violence in the family. The picture below shows the difference between a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP and a toxic one. But sometimes it is difficult for the Victim to understand that something is wrong with the relationship. I will ask you a few questions that will help you look at the situation from the outside and soberly assess it. If you realize that your relationship is destructive, know: there is a way out, you just need to make an appointment with a psychologist or call 051 (emergency psychological help line). Don’t be offended: humiliating jokes, ridicule, manipulation are not the norm. You don't have to endure it. Are you afraid to express your thoughts, desires, fears out loud in a conversation with your partner? Does your partner have uncontrollable and causeless outbursts of anger? Do you often find yourself guilty and apologize even when you know that you did nothing wrong? Partner refuses to recognize your strengths and devalues ​​your achievements? Does your partner say hurtful words to you, disguising them as a joke? Are you punished for any offense with emotional coldness, indifference, ignorance or anger? Do you feel that your desires, needs, feelings are being neglected? Do you have a feeling that when communicating with your partner you are playing by someone else’s rules, which you don’t always fully understand? Do you have a poor understanding of what awaits your relationship in the future and according to what scenario it will develop? Do you have a feeling that you are being systematically disadvantaged in some way? then? Are you subjected to groundless attacks, nagging, or maybe even notice yourself being followed, including in the virtual space? While communicating with your partner, you experience internal discomfort, which you cannot always explain by objective reasons (for example, it makes you feel hot , then in the cold, tingling in the limbs, feeling pain in the stomach)? Do you notice that you begin to get sick more often after you began to communicate closely with this person? Do you feel sorry for your communication partner, despite the fact that he is causing you pain ? Positive answers indicate that your relationship is toxic and can significantly poison your life. Being in such a relationship for a long time, you risk developing depression, losing your zest for life, sliding down the professional ladder, or even getting sick. Isn’t the price you are paying too high for communicating with this person? I recommend that you, without delay, contact a psychologist to understand the underlying reasons for the current situation in the relationship and understand how you can get out of the toxic environment. I would be glad to receive your feedback and thumbs up .You can subscribe now to my publications Find out how my consultations are going 3. Make an appointment with me through b17, as well as WhatsApp +798754127854. Deepen your request in a personal consultation
