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Where do you put the comma? After all, starting something new is always difficult. Especially when it comes to life renewal. But here’s the paradox: what we fear most is what we need most. We really don’t like to break the usual. Even though this familiar thing brings us pain, we wait. “Maybe”, “maybe it will go away on its own”, “he will change”…. How often do we repeat these “spells” to calm our souls? We give ourselves a reason for inaction. Wasting time, missing the chance to get something new. Why are we so stuck at one point, why are we so resistant to the new? Why are we so reluctant to make changes? Partly it's a matter of habit. We are more accustomed to following the beaten path than looking for fresh paths. We prefer the familiar horror to the novelty of salvation. The notorious “comfort zone,” which many psychologists write about, operates on the principle of a black hole – it sucks us in, wraps us in the warmth of clarity and familiarity, and does not allow us to take a step forward. Another reason for resistance to change is fear. Fear of losing what little you have. This fear is familiar to those who have decided to change jobs. To leave a warm, familiar, but no longer satisfying experience, requires considerable effort. This is why what is stable seems to be the best. Very often, we hesitate to change because of expectations. We are waiting for a “magic kick”, a savior, a miracle. We are waiting for someone smart and big to protect us and help us cope with our worries and problems. It's a sad wait. After all, our life is fragile, waiting in such conditions is a greater risk. Moreover, it is unfounded. So what to do! There is an ambush all around ((But, in fact, not everything is so scary. The main thing is that you already understand the need for changes. This means that you are on the right path. Here are a few goodies for you along the way: Check your fears for reality. Is everything really like that bad? Is it really true that the world will collapse if you do what you want? Check your fears, talk to others, think for yourself. Maybe it’s not as scary as they make it out to be? Look for support from friends, relatives, like-minded people, a psychologist... It’s very difficult for one. go on the road. Any support can be useful. Look around, where can you get a resource? A leap of faith. This is when you close your eyes, hold your breath, and... Yes, through fear. you won’t know if you try. And I’d like to end the article with my favorite quote from Gonzaga Mascollier: “Choosing your life is trying to constantly invent new ways of being in the world, choosing from a greater number of possibilities.”…»
