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What inspired me to write this article was how many examples there are in this world in order to support and strengthen the core of the human PERSONALITY... and how often we simply, for some reason... for some reason, and most often because of the “vanity”, we don’t notice them! Most of all, the nature itself that surrounds us serves as an example of perseverance for us....Background...I’ll give an example from my practice...One day, during another meeting with women who have survived violence (since I led a series of meetings for them), I noticed that as a psychologist and as a person with higher education, using different methods and techniques to help the training participants was not enough to see the expected result in changing their hearts and attitudes towards own life. Science is good and even great, but sometimes the essence of a person seeks more than what it sees with the naked eye and tries to find “it.” And so, starting to communicate with my participants and discussing their home. work, I discovered that there is something, some kind of barrier that they cannot pass, i.e. They accepted information with their minds, actively participated during our meetings, and made the house. work, but it was still difficult for my heart to accept the new way of life, carrying with me certain baggage from my past... Then, analyzing the results of our joint work, I began to ask myself what they were looking for for themselves, what was stopping them in order to perceive their life like reality and start building a new one? They, like “children,” were waiting for an answer from me, for example, something like “eureka”! Since I put emphasis not only on knowledge of science, but also on the spiritual part, I began to pray about it and ask God for understanding... . Reading the Bible once again, I found the answer... In Psalm 91:13 “The righteous blooms like a palm tree....” Believe me, this is not propaganda of religion, but often looking for answers to our questions, we can find them in this book... There is everything there, about everything. At the beginning, I didn’t understand what this message was for?! On the contrary, the question arose: “And if a person is “not righteous,” then what?” And, I realized that in the eyes of God all people are precious, because we are His creation, and He proved it in (Gospel of John 3:16). I started searching ... about the “Palm Tree” and to see what connection there could be between this plant and between us humans. A also, the question arose, why does the Bible place emphasis on this particular tree, why the Palm? Spending time on the Internet (thank God for it), I read all the properties about this wonderful creation, the Palm, and saw an extraordinary “direct” comparison between this tree and human life. Did you know or have you ever paid attention to the properties of the Palm and what a blessing this plant is for our lives? Here are its characteristics: Palm trees grew in Canaan and now grow in tropical countries: Ceylon, Java, Islands Borneo, Crimea, Transcaucasia and other countries. A beautiful plant. The ancient Hebrew word “Tamara” is translated as Palm, even the name is feminine, beautiful. The palm family has 1200 species. They are different like people. Its height reaches up to 60 meters, lives more than 200 years. An Arab philologist once said: “The palm tree is the queen of the oasis, it plunges its feet into the water and its head into the heat of heaven.” She seems to be reaching for the sky, which cannot be said about people. If they did this, they would be blessed by God. The greatest miracle in Palma is its leaves; they have an average width of 70 cm and reach more than 3 meters. The palm tree amazes with its fruiting; it is the mother - a nurse and a refuge for travelers in inclement weather. With its leaves it creates a natural hut. She gives wood. The leaves are used to make a roof, its fibers are used to spin ropes, mats, mattresses, sacks, bags, hats and much more. In this way, the Palm serves as an example of the usefulness of our life. Flowers 14 cm long and 12 cm wide are especially beautiful. The number of flowers in one inflorescence is about 100 thousand. One hundred thousand small fragrance factories that produce a pleasant, wonderful fragrance for humans. This is how God wants us to be. Palm is also a natural food source?
