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From the author: What is the point of pretending that you are not angry if this emotion actually exists? Maybe it would be better to tame ANGER? If you are reading this article, friends, then you are brave enough to read about something that is not very common to talk about. This is a topic for discussion, right? Well, as you wished, dear friends, life is not only about cookies and jam. There are such emotions! And it’s important to talk about them too. In one of my articles, I wrote that every emotion has its own importance. Such an emotion as ANGER also has this importance. And how important it is. From childhood we are taught not to be angry. Remember how many times we heard such phrases as “Being angry is bad!”, “Come on, don’t be angry!”, “Only be angry at yourself!”, “Don’t you dare be angry at mom!”, “Are you angry?!? ! (and then there’s this indignant, indignant face).” So, you really can’t be angry? I'll tell you nothing of the sort. You need to be angry! Only instead of teaching us to be angry correctly, adults taught us NOT to be angry, but in fact they taught us to hide, hide, suppress, and not recognize such a necessary and saving emotion as anger! But they, too, are not to blame for anything, they were taught the same thing and were not taught what will really make life happy and full. Unfortunately (and scientists have already proven this a hundred times), a person who suppresses and does not recognize his own anger risks getting sick. I'm not kidding. Cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, expressing this emotion is important and life-saving, at least for health. Of course, freaking out and jerking right and left, sweeping away with a clawed paw everything that has been acquired that is bright and good, is definitely not worth it. There are many ways to work with anger. But before you curb this dragon, I propose to get to know him better and find out why Mother Nature gave us such a precious gift - our anger. Forward! Meet us! In smart books they write that ANGER is a feeling of ill will, irritation, anger, frustration, rage. This is a physical state that has the character of the emotional structure of the brain. Think about the last time you were angry. What kind of situation was this? What were you angry about? What happened before this? What were the consequences? Personally, I think that ANGER is very important, because it is a special signal for us, a signal that something is wrong around us, something may threaten us. Remember the times when animals show anger or aggression? But before that they were scared. Something happened next to them, which was unexpected, something frightened them... So, it is believed that ANGER arises as a specific reaction to a situation that interferes with the satisfaction of a need, and may be associated with the psychological trauma received, depending on the situation, can both interfere with a person and mobilize his capabilities. When a person is angry, he wants to kill everyone, ruin everything, destroy, destroy, take revenge for his own failures or insults. This is a negatively colored emotion directed against the experienced injustice, and accompanied by the desire to eliminate it. Anger arises when the thought flashes that the world is hostile... ANGER’S siblings are ANGER, OUTRAGE, RESULT, ENVY, JEALOUSY, RAGE... You feel what each word stands for a certain state, a certain story, vivid experiences, the essence of which is often the following: “I want..., but this is not...” There is a difference between them, for example, ANGER - targeted aggression through open direct pressure on a partner, usually expressed by energetic with a powerful cry. OUTRAGE - a burst of energy expressing strong feelings, active dissatisfaction, indignation and vivid emotional protest. Indignation is a mixture of two reagents - SURPRISE and RAGE. And in RESULT, aggression, suffering, protest, and accusations coexist beautifully (where would we be without them, because “everyone around is to blame...”). Everything follows one goal: “let them pay attention to me and correct their behavior.” RAGE is the highest degree of anger, the extreme form of its manifestation, the fight against the fact that it brings harm, interferes,
