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Despite the fact that the term creativity today is used “right and left” and, in general, everything that relates to it is perceived positively, it would be a rather bold move to assert that it is a kind of self-valuable phenomenon, significant in itself and not tied to anything else. what. If creativity is not a personal value and, above all, is not “tied” to a profession, then it is really worth asking yourself the question: “Why?” Previously, they also asked: “Why do horses need dancing?”, now a similar question, only about creativity, can be asked to people. No matter what people say about creativity and closely related innovations, in the modern world, efficiency is still more valued. For example, you need to take an impregnable enemy city, and at your disposal there is a huge number of soldiers whose life value is not great (“mothers in the villages give birth”), what will you do? You can, of course, send a small sabotage group to the city, cut out all the guards there and open the gates wide to the native troops. You can bribe the top of the city government and generally “sort it out without bloodshed.” You can simply surround the city in a ring and starve all the inhabitants to death. As you can see, there are many options, but from the abundance of combinations, a rational commander will most likely choose the option that is closest to the main task: since there is enough such a resource as living flesh, he will probably fill the enemy city with the corpses of his army’s soldiers. Especially if the winners are not judged. What am I talking about? Moreover, the importance of creativity in our lives today is greatly exaggerated. Even those in power, who are constantly promoting this process, actually look at creativity quite soberly, or rather not so much soberly, but practically: since this is a fashion trend today, then, in words, you can and should look creative, but do everything the same as before. fathers and grandfathers took into account. It is well known from the classics: “Vaska listens and eats!” The majority of workers and their bosses gravitate towards stereotypical behavior and for them everything new is extremely stressful and dangerous. Moreover, even of a biological nature. Therefore, choosing creativity as a personality trait and a tool for interaction with society is, if not a feat, then a serious act that needs to be “fed” to the people around you in measured doses. A little too much with the dose and, consider, the program of action is disrupted - the followers need time and certain, unhurried work in order to be able to adapt to the phenomenon without unnecessary stress. They then rely on already existing and obvious resources, and this has to be taken into account so as not to ruin the business in the very first steps. Task: 1. Define for yourself what creativity is? 2. Determine for yourself whether you are a creative person? 3. Come up with a situation in which the solution cannot be unambiguous. Think about the resources available and how realistically you will use them. 4. Can you claim that “you need this”, i.e. creativity is that part of your personality that needs and is important to constantly engage in?
