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There is a personality type called “Hysterical”. Nancy McWilliams writes very well about them https://anisimovavalentina.wordpress.com/2016/08/09/v_omut_s_golovoi/ Most often, women are classified as this type of personality, but men of this type are also found. So what is the peculiarity of these wonderful people, in my opinion. They are bright, attract a lot of attention, sometimes it may seem that they are greatly exaggerating something or even lying. It can be difficult to discern a real person behind this bravado; everything is always too much for him. “To love is to love like that. Walking is like walking.” As Daniil Khlomov said in one of his lectures: “I was able to work with hysterics only when I realized that behind this behavior there was a cry for help.” And indeed, behind the external brightness and emotionality there is actually a feeling own helplessness. This behavior turns out to be the only way to somehow attract attention to oneself. As a rule, these are the daughters of tough fathers. Girls understand quite early that the man has all the power. And later, as they grow up, they begin to realize that the only way to somehow gain this power is through sex. Sexual contact is not satisfying because it is not something that gives pleasure and helps to express love to their partner. Sex, rather, becomes a payment for something, or an attempt to subjugate a man. What do these people really want? They want to receive love simply for being there. They want to feel safe. But because of their own feeling of weakness, these experiences turn out to be closed to them. What might it look like in life? A guy and a girl meet. The guy begins to show signs of attention, look after him, and pay compliments. The girl bathes in a feeling of pleasure. But the more they praise her, the more tense she becomes. There is a feeling that she should give something in return for this. And since there is no sense of self-worth and significance, the only way to repay a man for this attention is sex. And this, in fact, is a way to relieve anxiety and tension. Forcing events leads to the fact that the man’s interest weakens and the relationship ends. It's not a terrible way to end a relationship. You can hear insults addressed to you, and thereby get injured. And my own feeling that “I’m doing everything wrong, I’m worthless” is reinforced by shame and guilt. And this way of building relationships can last year after year, only bringing more torment. And it’s not very clear how to stop and change it. Psychotherapy is quite effective when working with this type of personality and with such complex experiences. After all, without “hysterics” there would be no psychoanalysis and all psychotherapy. Through the warmth and acceptance of the therapist, such clients gain new relationship experience. Sincere, open. Against this background, the process of growing up and development occurs naturally. Increased sense of self-worth and importance. New horizons open up both in relationships and in work. https://anisimovavalentina.wordpress.com/2016/08/09/v_omut_s_golovoi/
