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Insomnia, rating of causes. And non-standard ways to persuade the body to fall asleep. First place Many are familiar with the phenomenon when a baby yawns, rubs his eyes with his fists, and seems to close his eyes and go to sleep, but he fidgets, then begins to sag, cry, and it all turns into a “fun” night for the parents. The “diagnosis” here is obvious: the little person’s psyche has become overworked (overexcited), but he still doesn’t know how to slow down the processes, and because of this he can’t sleep, although he really wants to. This happens even more often with adults. When, as a student, you haven’t slept for a couple of days during a session, or when you’re now working hard on a project and can’t afford more than a couple of hours of sleep, your nervous system becomes horrified or exhausted. But in the end, the exams are passed, the project is protected, you can fall asleep and sleep for at least a day... but it doesn’t work out. You walk around like a zombie, can’t turn off your thoughts, or fall asleep, waking up every half hour, and so on all night. The feeling that you can give everything you have for a full night. First place will be given to overexertion, as the inability to stand up for yourself (violation of boundaries) or the thirst for chasing a blue bird (if I am the first, the best, the fastest, then...), or exorbitant ambitions, or the inability to solve their problems. The only pity is that all this happens at the expense of the resources of your own body. Recently, a client of mine came to therapy several years ago because of insomnia, and stayed, I think, out of curiosity, because... Insomnia either retreated or returned, little by little resolving her internal conflicts, and announced that she had begun to get used to sleep. And this is such an unusual state, lost 30 years ago, it seemed like forever, it’s still scary. Second place. This reason is closely related to the first. We know that every person has a certain cycle that is comfortable for him: “lark”, “owl” or “dove”. But often (especially in the case of “night owls”) it happens that you have to rearrange your schedule because work requires it. And after a while you discover that you cannot fall asleep either at the “protocol” time, when you need to put yourself to bed in order to get up fresh and well-rested in the morning, or even at a time that is comfortable for falling asleep. This is called a sleep-wake disorder. I remember once watching a film about intelligence, and one episode stuck in my memory - a man was tortured, not allowing him to fall asleep, and after a week he was ready for any confession. Third place. This reason for insomnia is related to the first two, but not so obvious. Many have probably encountered a problem when they were counting on some kind of money coming in (a bonus, a 13th salary, a job), but this did not happen. And all expenses have already been planned, and in some cases the skin of an unkilled bear has already been spent. And you begin to feverishly think about how to plug the gap in the budget. These thoughts easily form a vicious circle, and also easily turn into self-criticism, and this, on the one hand, gives a surge of adrenaline, which interferes with healthy sleep, and on the other hand, reduces the emotional tone of the body and leads to insomnia. I call this a black streak, and almost everyone has it. There are a couple of other reasons that are not familiar by now, but I’ll name them anyway. It happens that we lie down and are almost on the verge of sleep, but then there’s a shooting in the side, then the hand becomes numb, then an uncontrollable runny nose will overcome. This is finally our body getting a voice, because... control subsided slightly, and it began to desperately signal problems that had accumulated, and we were brushing them aside. Usually, most of us immediately turn to doctors, and it’s good if they have identified a biological problem, but what if, after conducting research, they did not find the reasons? Someone simply doesn’t believe you, mutters “go and walk as much as you can,” and someone refers you to a psychologist, clearly pointing to psychosomatics, and here we ourselves are not very good. But the body’s demands remain, because the problem is only trying to move to the bodily level, even though it is called loudly - psychosomatics. But it also happens
