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From the author: Children love to involve us in their play. But often we prefer to do other things or go play as if we are doing a favor. Read about how to play and find inspiration for children’s games in the article “Mom, play with me!” or 5 steps to playing together What do you usually answer? How do you feel when your beloved child calls you to play with him? Do you find time to play or do you dismiss it with “Learn to play yourself!”? If being asked to play inspires and fills you with energy, this article is not for you. If most often you don’t know what to do, feel irritated, tired or bored, let’s try to find a solution. The adult world is full of responsibilities. To paraphrase Agnia Barto: “When should I play? I have no time to play! I have work, household chores, and also two new series on TV...” At some point in time, adults lose the skill of playing, the meaning of the game is lost, and instead education and development appear in games. However, children turn to us again and again: “I’m bored, play with me!” And what usually happens to the parent? "Boring?! Yes, you have three boxes of toys, go and play! or “Lord, what kind of mother am I? I can’t please my child!” At such moments, it seems that buying a new toy will solve the problem and keep the child occupied for several hours or days. However, a new game does not last long, and we again hear “Well, play with me...” How to get out of this vicious circle? Let's try to figure it out. S. Freud also said that the most favorite and all-consuming activity for a child is play. Children do not need to be specially taught or forced to do this. They do this on their own, almost from the first months of life, spontaneously, freely, with pleasure, just like that, without pursuing any goals. With insufficient vocabulary and undeveloped communication abilities, children's play is a way to master the world, space, roles, study objects and their properties, and learn values ​​and meanings. While playing, the child experiences his own unique experience, lives it, conveying his feelings and endowing objects with them. While playing, a child opens the door to his world. However, what should we, adults, do, how should we behave if the phrase “Play with me” causes melancholy or tires the process itself? To begin with, it would be good to remember what you loved as a child? Draw, sculpt, run, mix, roll cars, dress up dolls? Everyone had a favorite activity. Your parents may have ignored it or discounted it, but that doesn't matter now. The memory itself is important. I remember how, as a child, I loved to look through a kaleidoscope and try to remember the resulting pictures, and even earlier, to play store with products made from sand, leaves, sticks and other “garbage.” Do you remember? What emotions came to you? Do you feel joy, interest, delight, pleasure? Great, then we are on the right track! Try, holding this childish feeling inside, and ask your child, “What would you like to play?” My youngest son (10 years old) easily responds to such an invitation with the phrase “What?” Invite your child to choose what he would be interested in playing. Please note that gadgets are not considered. Usually children quickly come up with a game or bring toys (these can be construction sets, puzzles, dolls, cut-outs, soft toys, cars). The adult’s task in children’s play is to be a leader. Ask - “What should I do?” and you will receive clear instructions. "You'll be Optimus, and I'll be Megatron, and we'll have a fight." As the game progresses, you can clarify “What to do next?” For such spontaneous play, 10-15 minutes a day is enough. So, 5 steps to playing together: Respond to your child’s request to play or offer it yourself. Choose 10-15 minutes of free time when no one and nothing will distract you. Remember your favorite childhood game or activity, remember the sensations and feelings that it called you. In such a game, the child is in charge. His game is his rules. Follow the rules within reason, for example, destroying an apartment and causing pain is not allowed. If you are tired, you need to leave urgently,!
