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From the author: In the form of a hypothesis with which you don’t have to agree;) A woman is the one who is behind a man’s back on the left, no matter what happens... Take care of his heart. I’ve been observing how they behave for a long time couples, when they sit down at the table or walk hand in hand, a lot becomes noticeable. Somehow it is no coincidence that the first couple has girls, and the second has boys. Don't you think? “What is inside, so is outside” (c) the sages said in ancient times. The structure of a personality is made up of masculine and feminine principles, the more harmonious the contact between them in the inner space, the more harmonious the personality. When a couple gives birth to only girls, this is a signal that that in the inner world of the family, and most importantly in the inner cosmos of the husband and wife, the masculine principle is not sufficiently manifested and, perhaps, is in a state of energy deficiency. At the same time, the feminine can begin to dominate and perform pseudo-masculine functions, which overloads both the woman and her feminine aspect. The wife in such a family is more active, more decisive, tougher. And she shows more maternal qualities than femininity. The sex of the child can be predicted quite easily - you just have to pay attention to the relationship between male and female in the inner world, or within the family .Can there be equal partnerships in a couple? They can, under one condition - there is order and harmony in the inner world of husband and wife, each of them feels like an autonomous, independent person. Children in such a family equally reflect both father and mother. And when a child does not come into the family, a woman cannot become pregnant? If doctors do not find any abnormalities in a woman’s physiology, then the reasons can also be hidden at the level of the psyche, at the level of relations between the masculine and feminine principles in the woman’s inner space. Lack of trust in a man or attitude towards to him, as to a child, a woman’s childbirth can be closed. After all, children are not born from a child-husband. What to do? Grow up mentally, initiate a more mature masculine principle. I wish you happiness and harmony in your inner world and in life! Inga Istomina, psychologist, specialist in individual initiations of male and female maturity, teacher at the Tatyana Vasilets Institute of Men and Women You can pre-arrange a consultation with me on WhatsApp and viber by number +7-914-440-63-87
