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Upbringing, life experience and self-knowledge form a certain structure of psychological boundaries. There are 5 possible options: Blurred A person does not feel his boundaries, cannot indicate his position and say no, so he is often used and pressure is put on him. In this case, a lot of energy flows into nowhere and contact with people does not bring much pleasure. The most emotions in contact with others: anxiety, disgust, fatigue, irritation. This can be correlated with anxious or anxious-avoidant types of attachment. Rigid They are like a huge, strong wall that a person has built between himself and the world. Behind this wall it is safe, but lonely... Most likely, such a person has faced betrayal, rejection, or a lot of pressure, overprotection. This is similar to an avoidant type of attachment. Intrusive A person does not feel like he is violating other people’s boundaries, neglects them, and may be insensitive to feedback. A kind of tank that rushes ahead to get what it wants no matter what. It may be a matter of egocentrism or the fact that others have done the same thing to him in the past. In contact with such a person, there is little contact itself; others are more objects than subjects for him. Such boundaries are usually found in people with psychopathic traits. Mixed A person has a poor sense of both his own and others’ boundaries. Often this can turn into aggression, confusion, anxiety and the fact that at some point you want to disappear from contact. This type is also characteristic of the anxious or anxious-avoidant type. Optimal A person feels and defines his boundaries well; in some places they can be flexible, in others they can be rigid. He knows well what can and cannot be done with him. If others indicate their boundaries to him, he can hear, understand and accept it. Most often, when he is around people, he experiences calm, confidence, warmth and interest. Of course, this type of boundaries is found among people with secure attachment or among those who are engaged in self-knowledge and self-development in this topic. Which description do you find yourself in more? Maybe you have option 6? The topic of personal boundaries is one of my specialties in my work, if you want to work with it, please contact me)
