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When someone you love lets you down, how do you react? Are your emotional reactions different from those of your child, or, despite the fact that you are no longer 7 years old, do you continue to use the behavior patterns adopted in preschool age? I think no. You know perfectly well how an adult should behave. However, there is a problem. A person can remain infantile, regardless of his age and gender. How to recognize that you are starting to build a relationship with an emotionally immature person? How not to follow the lead of an infantile husband or wife. Let's look at the situation using a specific example. A man talks about his wife's reaction to his "bad behavior." He is tired and does not understand how to behave correctly with her. By the way, we have been married for 3 years, but he doesn’t understand everything. Here are 3 consecutive infantile reactions of the wife to the fact that her husband bought frozen chicken in the store instead of fresh. Events develop over 7 days. From the moment of discovering an incorrectly purchased product, passing through the stage of “complete inadequacy”, and ending with an unexpected ending. Phase I. She sulks, her husband carelessly puts out the purchase from the package. Among them is this notorious chicken. The wife sees the frozen carcass and says in a steely voice, “I asked for a defrosted one.” The husband, unaware of the impending storm, replies, “What a problem, defrost this one.” The problem apparently was because after this phrase the wife becomes silent for 24 years... just kidding, for 24 hours. She remains silent for a day. Cries bitterly in the bathroom a couple of times. The husband begs to forgive him. Runs for fresh chicken. It doesn’t fit in his head that all “this” started because of a chicken. The husband tenderly and reverently asks, “Dear, beloved, explain what happened? Are you serious about the chicken?” To which she replies “Nothing, everything is fine. Just don’t come near me.” Of course, everything is fine, but I’m silent, crying and don’t want to see you) Phase II. She becomes inappropriately angry. The wife's silence for a day, it turns out, was paradise. Because the next evening she came out of the bedroom and immediately started yelling. It was not about chicken, but about fundamental things. The scream began with the phrase “When will you finally get out of my life?”, followed by memories of all the good things she did for him, and his black ingratitude. Five minutes later, both were screaming. After 10 things flew away, after fifteen she threw food out of the refrigerator. The scandal ended with the husband evacuating from the apartment, and a frozen chicken flying at his back. And now he is standing on the staircase, the chicken is melting at his feet, and thoughts are racing through his head: “Where to go now? Is this really a scam? , and the most logical “You need a drink.” Phase III. She pretends to be indifferent. The husband lives with his mother for two days, bombarding his wife with messages. Requests for forgiveness and complete guilt turn into ultimatums, the essence of which boils down to the following: “This is actually my home too, so I’m coming back.” Of course, she let him in, since the performance was not finished. The wife also knew how to speak the language of ultimatums, and her position was: “We have nothing more to discuss, you live here until you find an apartment.” The Cold War lasted 4 days. At this time, she was no longer silent, but was demonstratively polite and cold. In the evenings I got dressed and left, to my husband’s timid questions “How long will you stay?”, the answer was the knock of the door slamming shut. The poor guy was already looking for a divorce lawyer and looking for an apartment, but on the 5th day, again in the evening, his wife sat down next to him on the sofa and laid him down head on the shoulder, kissed on the cheek. After 5 minutes, when the sex was over, they were a happy family again. The husband was afraid to understand the situation. The problem for him is that such scandals happen every couple of months, as if on schedule. What will provoke a new storm and how to behave in such a situation? Question for you Dear readers, you are all psychologists to one degree or another. What do you think was the true reason for the wife’s indignation in the situation with the chicken? What the husband could not understand, and what"
