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The question of the manifestation of sexuality Perhaps the very first thing that worries a person about his sexuality is the question - “is it normal?” Naturally, “normality” is an evaluative criterion and there cannot be an unambiguous answer here. What is considered normal and abnormal in different countries has been defined differently at different times. Expressions of sexuality can be viewed as different ways of maintaining contact and relationships. French psychologist, Gestalt therapist B. Martel believes that it is important to “rehabilitate healthy aggressiveness, place creativity at the center of human activity, go beyond the restrictive framework of normality, linking sexuality with the most important existential problems” [Sexuality, Love and Gestalt, 2006]. Now happening important shifts in the field of sexual morality. Some "sexual themes", such as attitudes towards homosexuality, are used by political scientists to determine the development of tolerance in a society. Morality and evaluation do not disappear, but become more flexible, realistic and more individual. The gap between everyday and official morality is narrowing, the range of morally assessed phenomena is narrowing [sexologist I. Kon]. What exactly people do in bed is gradually becoming their personal business. How many partners, what kind of partners they are, what sexual techniques they use is a personal question. The main evaluation criterion remains voluntary participation, mutual consent of the partners. American psychologist S. Gordon defines sexual behavior as follows: “Normal sexual behavior of an adult can be defined as voluntary, based on consent and excluding exploitation; it is usually not only pleasant and guilt-free, but also enhances self-esteem "The following goals and ideas may be important for a woman, in the context of this topic: - through awareness, make a choice of what is exactly mine, what I accept, what I respond to ;-see yourself in sexual manifestations, relationships and change your patterns that are not effective at this stage of life. In individual therapy and in group work, taking into account the “piquantness” of the topic, you can set your goal to find a new, satisfying balance with the environment environment, in a unique, suitable way for her, to gain more flexible boundaries. Many aspects in solving problems related to sexuality should be aimed at: - expanding and awareness of the zones of sensitivity of your body (bodily sphere of life) - self-expression, demonstration of feelings, “forbidden "or "indecent" behavior (social sphere) - open expression of feelings and emotions (emotional domain) - through awareness of the responsibility to make choices (rational component) in accordance with one's values ​​and morals (spiritual component of life). Sexual behavior that used to be alien and avoided receives more acceptable ways of expression and leads to new opportunities, and, consequently, to more diverse ways of satisfying needs. I repeat that to be loved, the need for tenderness, affection, care, trust, courtesy are the emotional and psychological components of female sexuality . If such needs are not satisfied, then a woman’s sexuality decreases and may even lose all meaning. Therefore, partners need to know more about the intimate side of life together, so as not to destroy the well-being and stability of the relationship. In other words, the need sphere determines what is the figure at the moment, what is the focus of attention: touch, if the main thing is physical contact; emotions, if a woman is trying to figure out how her sexual partner makes her feel; values ​​when it comes to elections; emotional manifestations when the desire to merge and belong to significant others appears on the stage. Author of the article: psychologist Natalya Kotlyarova
